Sunday, 9 February 2025

From Barks: How I paint yellow Lamenters (Inconstant) (79 points)

For the last 18 months I've found myself painting Lamenters. I often get asked about my yellow technique, so I made a little tutorial.


i. Remove moldlines and assemble. I glue sand etc. to the base now. I prepare and paint the backpack and head separately. 

ii. Undercoat Vallejo Bonewhite rattlecan.

iii. Paint the base.

iv. Drybrush white. I've found this subtle slapchop works well for me.

Okay, here's the real meat.

1. Contrast Ironjawz Yellow

2. SMS Umber Wash. This is an oil-based product by an Australian model paint company. I work it into all the creases...

3. ... then I clean it up with Artists White Spirit and a makeup sponge. I get rid of the worst excesses (e.g. back of the hand, shoulder pad) but it doesn't have to be pristine. That's it! Your yellow is done. No highlighting required.

4. Paint the rest of the Lamenter. The left pauldron (chequered) is hand-painted (another tutorial on my blog); the tactical symbol on the right is a decal.

I appreciate an Australian oil wash paint is a bit niche, but I'm sure a similar product exists elsewhere. The point is that I've found a reproducible way for me to get masses of yellow done without losing my mind with edge-highlighting. I've seen nice things done with pink pre-shading, but I'm committed to this technique now. It doesn't have to be too neat; the rest of the details hide major flaws in the yellow. These figures won't win individual prizes but they're done.

These marines are sneaky special forces infiltrators, stealthy 7' canaries. I'm thinking of playing Black Ops with them.

Do you find your Chapter, or does it find you? About two years ago something clicked and I realised Lamenters were for me. They've a striking colour scheme that looks good on the table. They are prone to severe melancholy and try to do the right thing, which is a rarity in the 41st millennium. They are, however, cursed by extreme bad luck. So if I have a terrible game, I'm playing them right!

No-one likes them due to their curse. They've been nearly wiped out on multiple occasions. They're experts at doomed last stands. They will sacrifice themselves to ignore orders and evacuate the last colonists from advancing hordes, only to find the colonists were secret cultists all along...

And so, I claim the Inconstant circle of Paradise ("think of something which may try its best but often falls a bit short").

7x big marines 49 points

Inconstant +20 points

Side duels

Can opener +49

Squirrel +1

Skullz +12

From Millsy:

I wish you'd posted this about six months ago Barks. I painted some yellow marines and was not at all happy with the outcome whilst yours are the bomb! Crisp, clean and the exact right shade for Lamenters (and other yellow chapters too).

Thanks for taking the time to explain in detail and with step-by-step images. That's worth another 10 points for adding to the collective knowledge base on the Challenge.

Nice work mate! 79 points for your tally.



  1. I have a soft spot for all of the Badab war chapters and these have come out a treat, well done! The lamenters were one of my favourites as their backstory is more than just “killed some unclean Xenos/mutants today, would recommend”. Contrast has also completely changed how I paint yellow and you’ve leveraged it really well here.

    1. Yeah, Badab War is great. I've been painting Red Corsairs as well.

  2. Excellent yellow and great tutorial. Well done

  3. Yellow is always tricky, but. your results are excellent. Also like the wisp of purplish smoke

    1. Contrast/ Speedpaints are excellent for these tricky colours.

  4. Great tutorial Barks. I like the chapter 'mood' for your Lamenters - something I could relate to.

  5. They are so good Barks, excellent advice on painting yellow, I just have to find something to try it out on now!

  6. That works so well! Yellow is a sod to paint......not anymore!

    1. Contrast/ Speedpaints are great for this.
