Monday, 10 February 2025

From GeoffT: Wisdom, Feathered Serpent (55 points)

Hello Challengers,

For the theme of Wisdom, I’m claiming a feathered serpent, which is symbolic of wisdom in several cultures.  This one is a very old model by Grenadier Miniatures from their Shadowrun range.  When I prepped it, I wisely wore gloves as it had some lead rot which I leached off with vinegar before applying a heavy coat of primer.  Ideally I should have used a rust converter or electrolysis to fix the lead rot, but the wisdom extended only so far.  I don’t know much about the Shadowrun genre, but I think the lady is a shape changer and turns into the serpent.

This week, but not in theme, is two Weird war 2 miniatures by Eureka.  They don't look that weird to me, so think will be good for US in pacific theatre.  Currently my US ww2 miniatures are in an Ardennes campaign in winter, so the bloke with 30cal will be a bit cold, luckily his friend has a flamethrower to warm things up.

For the scorecard, all in 28mm

Feathered serpent = 20 points (on vehicle sized base)

Other Shadowrun figure = 5 points

Squirrel for Shadowrun faction

Wisdom theme = 20 points

US blokes = 2 x 5 points

Net = 55 points

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

Very nice indeed Geoff!

The feathered serpent may be my favourite of all your posts to date. The colour choices and the shading (particularly the blue) are wonderful and it has a really striking feel to it because of that. I'm not familiar with this particular miniature but having seen yours I am tempted to add one to my collection if they can still be found.

The two Yanks are cool too. The chap in just a singlet looks a little tanned for Europe in winter but he clearly means business and doesn't have time to be cold!

Great stuff. 55 awesome points mate.



  1. Lovely colours on the serpent!

  2. The serpent is fabulous. Very wonderful and colorful work.

  3. Amazing work on the feathered serpent, I agree with Barks on the colours. Also like the not-so weird GIS, I think they'd fit in a John Wayne Pacific theatre movie.

  4. Beautiful feathers serpent. Great color choices.

  5. I'll echo others in the admiration of the feathered serpent. I love seeing old Grenadier minis getting some attention. Lovely work.

  6. Very well done! That winged serpent is tremendous

  7. The serpent is my favorite here it looks so colorful but skillfully done, great job

  8. Lovely, that's a great winged serpent

  9. The Serpent in particular is so cool Geoff, great work.

    Is this the sci-fi-fantasy-ish "Shadowrun" setting, the RPG from the 90s?

    1. Definitely early 90s minis, branded as Shadownrun range, but I’m not sure if that game was RPG or skirmish wargame.

  10. Brilliant highlighting on the feathers
