Friday, 7 February 2025

From PeterB: Leaving the Abyss (Treachery, The Inconstant, The Ambitious, The Lovers, the Wise)(135 points)

Another week, another fast paced dash through the challenge map. Last time I left off at Fraud with a Mimic disguised as a treasure chest. So next stop Treachery.

In the world of Warhammer, there are no more treacherous than the Skaven race. Ratmen scurrying about in tunnels under the world, the sneakiest of them being Clan Eshin, the Assassins.

Not a hugely complicated paint job, especially due to most of the model being black cloak. You can barely see it in the photo, but there is actually some green in the cloak to avoid just being a grey drybrush on black that tends to look more like leather than black cotton. 

So, we leave the Abyss having visited all stops and head over to Paradise. First stop Inconstant, or falling short.

“Fool of a Took!” Gandalf growls at Pippin. “This is a serious journey, not a hobbit walking-party. Throw yourself in next time, and then you will be no further nuisance. Now be quiet!” And poor Pippin is given the first watch, “as a reward”. - Lord of the Rings. Fellowship of the Ring

The hobbits in the Lord of the Rings are mostly quite heroic, there is one of my favourite moments in the first book though, when they are in the Mines of Moria when Pippin throws a rock into a well, possibly being responsible for awaking the Balrog. (In the movie he accidently knocks a dwarf skeleton down the well.) From this point on Pippin grows as a character, leaving behind his mischievous reputation as a member of the Took family.

Here I have painted Merry and Pippin, Pippin is on the right. (Like Ant and Dec they tend to stand in alphabetical order) The models are from the GW range, the original metal sculpts. Last years challenge I started with Legolas and Boromir. This challenge I am hopefully finishing the fellowship.

Next stop, Ambitious. So, over to the 40K universe and to arguably the most ambitious of races, the humble Ork.
This particular Ork is particularly talented at building weapons and has been so ambitious his gun seems to be bigger than he is. The Shokk Attack gun is a very traditional weapon, dating right back to Rogue Trader days (not this model though). The technology relies on vacuuming up unsuspecting snotlings, then teleporting them in the distance at a location the weapon is pointing at. With any luck the snotling is teleported inside the armour of an unsuspecting Space Marine and thus calamity ensues.

I presume the bit at the front rotates when it fires and it makes lots of noise

The gun has been built using natural talent and natural instinct. The Ork doesn't really know how it works, he just knows it does and enjoys using it. (Until it malfunctions and blows up)

Next stop, the Lovers. So back to the Fellowship. The greatest friendship and some might say the deepest platonic love in the book is between Frodo and his gardener Sam. I don't think the film quite makes it as clear that their relationship starts out as a Master and Employee dynamic (albeit with friendship as well). They bond together in their adventure like an officer and his batman during the first world war. The following quote could be describing the trenches of the war.

Sam struggled with his own weariness, and he took Frodo’s hand; and there he sat silent till deep night fell. Then at last, to keep himself awake, he crawled from the hiding-place and looked out. The land seemed full of creaking and cracking and sly noises, but there was no sound of voice or of foot. - Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

Last stop this week, The Wise. Well, no prizes for guessing what I chose to paint for this category. Staying with the Fellowship, we can only choose Gandalf the Grey. Again, the metal model from the first wave from GW, Gandalf seems to have lost his hat, possibly he is about to confront the mighty Balrog. (Luckily I painted the Balrog last challenge.)


And there we shall leave it for this week. To total up:

5 locations = 100 points

7 x 28mm models = 35 points

Total = 135 points.

As a devoted Tolkien fan I heartily approve of this entry, Peter! An excellent choice for these themes. The hobbits are well done, with their gaudy clothes. Great photos of Pippin and Merry in Moria, and of Frodo and Sam with Mount Doom in the background! I must say that I really appreciate your Gandalf, the cloak and his beard came out very nicely. The ratling is also good, it may be a simple colour scheme but it is very effective. And the ork is quite hilarious, I could never dream up such a weapon! You have achieved a very good result with the almost fluorescent parts of the gun, and the metal is very lifelike. I'm not sure if carrying such a device is brave or simply stupid, but I would not really want to be an the receiving end of it. Nor would I care to be pulling the trigger, now I come to think of it, actually. This powerful stride to the end of the Abyss nets you 135 points.



  1. Peter your romping through the divine comedy and I am enjoying the little stories around the minies. The Ork is my favorite - and I could see the green in the ratman before I read your explanation

  2. Great stuff. Love the hobbittses

  3. Great stuff, good to see the hobbits making it to the desk

  4. Excellent whirlwind tour. Like the hobbits making and appearance.

  5. Excellent Peter, love the Ork gun and explanation

  6. Excellent mix of figures, nice to see a shock attack gun and the lord of the rings figures are lovely!
    Best Iain

  7. A fabulous whirlwind tour. I really like your Gandalf figure!

  8. Very nice, and I appreciate the backdrops!
