Friday, 7 February 2025

From Mike W: 15mm Warlord Epic Carthaginians, 28mm Arthurian Cavalry and AWI American Militia (330 Points)

A bit a a scrambled post this week as time has just flown by and getting this batch of little guys ready has been a challenge!

Lybian Heavy Infantry unit, 3 bases each of 20 figures.
Closer view of the Lybians

First up are two units of 15mm Warlord Games Epic Carthaginians,  ech unit of 60 figures. I have completed a unit of Lybian Heavy Infantry and a unit of Scutari.

And the other end of their line

The Lybians are Armoured in chainmail, with helmets, spears and shield. I painted them much the same way as the Romans in my recent post, however  I have given them a range of colours for their shields ( with free hand symbols on some of these) and given them either purple or blue tunics.

Rear view of the Lybians

The Scutari are spear and sword armed, with helmets and shields, their painting is simplified as they all wear cloaks. Again, I gave these guys a range of shield colours, but tried to keep the red, white and black theme going that I had with the Lydia's, albeit that these guys had some blue instead of purple shields and the Lybians had a number of brass shields.

Close up of the Scuari, with a variety of shield designs, all painted free hand

Another shot of the Scutari

And from the rear, note that a number of these guys have what appear to be covers to their helmets, much like teh 19th Century Havlocks, to protect the wearers nect from excessive sun.

Hopefully another two units for next week....

Next I present the overdue Arthurian Cavalry, 6 x Mounted guys, originally due last week, each wears mail and is armed with spear and shield on an Armoured horse. Again I have looked for a unit cohesion by using white & red shields to re-enforce  their identity.

Six Arthurian Heavy Cavaly with armoured horses.

Another shot of these fearsome guys

And a shot to get a better view of the shield designs - all white and red to give unit cohesion

Close up of two of the little guys

Another two horsemen

And the final two mounted guys

Finally, thanks to fellow club member Nigel, for gifting me a frame of Warlord Games 28mm American AWI plastic figures.

Completed group of five militiamen

I have taken five guys from this frame and painted up as Buckskin clad militia, armed with rifles. As with all of these ex Wargames Foundry kits, I find their assembly a bit fiddly but the resulting figures are OK.

Another angle

These figures were undercoated in a cream colour and then painted in a variety of browns to represent their buckskin dress. Skin was done in my usual manner and details of bags, guns, straps etc was added.

Look out for 5 x Continental Infantymen in the near future.

Next Week? Hopefully more 15mm Carthaginians, a small group of 28mm Landsknechts that I didn't finish this week and more Arthurian Infantry....

SQUIRREL                                                                +2 Carthaginians & AWI Infantry

120 X 15mm Carthaginian Infantry    @ 2 Pts ea     240 Points
6 x 28mm Arthurian Cavalry    @ 10 Pts ea               60 Points
5 x 28mm AWI American Militia  @ 5 Pts ea             25 Points
TOTAL                                                                      325 Points

A nice varied submission, Mike! The epic figures are really nice, and you have done a great effective paint job on them. It is very impressive to see them drawn up in their serried ranks, ready to teach those pesky Romans a lesson or two. The armoured cavalry are looking good too. I don't know if they really were a feature of Arthurian armies, if such a thing existed, but who cares? They look as if they mean business, and will be a great addition to your army. Finally, I like the militiamen too, the colour combinations work really well and adding a colourful detail here and there brings them to life. Your calculations work out perfefcty, but I'll throw in a couple of bonus points for the hand-painted shields. 330 points added to your tally.



  1. A virtual mixed bag of fun!! Great looking figures Mike!

  2. Nice assortment of historical periods. The epic troops look great in mass

  3. Great painting - really like the Arthurian cavalry ....

  4. Excellent selection of periods. I like the epic warriors.

  5. Great figures allround, can't choose what I like best!

  6. Great looking mix of figures and excellent Arthurian shields!
    Best Iain

  7. Love those Carthaginians. Great work on all of these though!

  8. Lovely work on the shields and capes.
