Friday, 7 February 2025

From JohnB: Filthy Lucre or Wheres Theres Muck Theres Brass (Greed) (50pts)

So there I was minding my own business painting horse and musket chaps and then the bolt of lightning that is AHPC strikes and I am down in the rubbish bins.......more on that later.
Meanwhile near K2-18b (where a swim may vaporise you - its true!) a couple of nearby unexpectedly earthly planets offer shelter to our three rogue traders - escapees from the AHPC14 programme......
Yep I am back in space for some GREED - in my case I am soooooooooo greedy that rather than pay good money for a proper spaceship I made one out of junk and will be selling it for a few hundred bucks 'cos its unique! well 1 of 36..... At least someone has scrubbed the dirt from the side panel insignia.
To make your own version all you need is lots of red craft paint and some other colours plus PVA and a milk bottle including cap, tomato paste cap, a large liquid soap bottle top, clothes pegs, tooth cleaners including empty boxes, sim card frames, waste mdf building frames, food packaging clear plastic sheet coloured with citadel contrast paint, furniture corner packaging, paper and velux window installation only brackets (this last item might be tricky so go for any scrap that looks like roof level electro-mechanicals).
You can see K2-18b in the background on my latest Painting portrait back drop - also for sale - a pop at only £14 million.
I think seeing lots of bug eyed dragonflies in 2024 drove the cab design on this plucky freighter.
I guess this is my homage to Red Dwarf tv series where the space craft were exact copies of the real thing that flew all those years ago.......... Points calculation 28mm model @20points although the minion might add a 10% bonus for hydraulically opening hatches (sorry the video wouldn't load - you'll have to trust me ;)!). And 20 points for the abyss level of GREED = a total of 40 points in all. The eagle eyed might say - where does the covid tester unit go? It goes on the Police Chase vehicle of course!!!!!!!!!

Wow John, what a thing! I love how you turned "waste" into a very convincing and creative space ship. I am not sure if it's a compliment (it's meant that way!), but it looks every inch as good as a comercially produced model. I also like the red colour, and the battered look you achieved.  And furthermore your backdrop is awesome too. A pity that I am just about 14 million short at the moment. All in all a  great contribution, so I'll bump it up to 50 points. Good job!



  1. Love the use of bits and bobs to make this. Looks cool.

  2. Replies
    1. Bruce thanks and you have just suggested a label as well "trash to table" has an interesting ring to it.

  3. I stand in awe John and no way in whatever circle of hell I will ever be able to get such a good result as yours if I were to try and replicate it!

  4. That's brilliant and clever -superb colour as well

  5. Fabulous! I makes me think of the heyday of 40K when we used all manner of stuff to make our tabletop models. Beautiful-ugly work! ;)
