Thursday, 13 February 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - Dead, Dying & Frozen! (43 points)

I'll probably get into someones bad books for posting these dead and dying figures.

I did last time I posted some 15mm FIW dead figures?

There are some weird people around???

Just remember these are toy soldiers, not real people!

Black n White photo just to work the button counters up a little more!!

These former fine looking fellow are once again mainly Perry minis painted up to represent various French and allied soldiers, who fell and never got up again during the Retreat from Moscow. There is even a Perry English casualty figure in there too, painted up as French. Can you spot him? Give yourself a hearty pat on the back and a packet of Jelly Babies if you do!

There are 13 laying figures and 2 sitting figures. Previously laying down figures have only earned half points, but I shall leave the workings out, up to the bestest Minion in the world, Teemu, who comes from Finland and infact he is my favourite person from Finland EVER!!!!

TeemuL: Bestest Minion in the world, you say? Everyone heard? Including the Treasure Holder of Snowlord? Very "nice" casualties indeed, they look frozen and dead, very convincing toy soldiers, I must say. I see you have some other entries in the pipeline, so I'll get over this quick, nice additions to your project and your maths are correct, half points for prone. That gives a total of 42.5 points, but since I'm the bestest minion, I can give you 0.5 bonus points and 43 points in total!

P.S. Just to get my list right, who other persons you know from Finland? Sami Hyypiä, Jari Litmanen, Mikael Forsell, Teemu Tainio, Mika Häkkinen, Kimi Räikkönen?


  1. But I don't communicate with them on a weekly basis like you Teemu? And none of them give me the odd bonus points either? Sk you are still the No1!

    1. Thanks Ray, it doesn't take much to be your favourite Finnish person. :)

  2. Great bodies Ray -- either for table dressing or to serve as casualty counters, you can never have too many!

  3. It is Retreat from Moscow so gotta have lots of frozen dead bodies!!

  4. Excellent additions Ray . It something we can’t ignore happens. They look the part indeed

  5. Well done Ray. Between you and Dave you're not making me feel any warmer, and we've been hitting -40 with the windchill this week.

  6. Wow Ray - we just had a major snow storm here in Toronto last night, and this is not helping the ambience!

    But great work - can totally see how these markers will come in handy, great job.

  7. I have put the heating a bit higher. This post gives me cold! 🥶
    Great work on these figures, ray! 👍

  8. They look frozen to the ground! Very nice!


  9. Great stuff, very useful and thematic.

  10. Great stuff Ray. I agree the casualties add to the table. Well done.

  11. Well done Ray, suitably grave!

  12. Great work Ray.
    It feels like is -21C here in Wisconsin today, these Thursday posts are not doing anything to warm me.
