Sunday, 9 March 2025

From ArthurS: Mushrooms in Averland! (40 points?)

 Hello everyone,

I am sorry my posts have been a bit delayed lately, due to school and other hobbies. But luckily I finally had some time to do some painting.

I started painting my Averland warband for Mordheim and I painted these cute little mushrooms.

For my warband I chose black and teal. I know these colours don’t really fit Averland but I just thought they were a nice colour combination.

The figures are all plastic North Star Frostgrave knights miniatures and a converted Blood Bowl Halfling which I liked a lot. One of the reasons I like this warband for Mordheim is that you can add Halflings.

The mushrooms are 5 small ones and 1 big one with a frog on it. I thought it would be a nice idea to give the mushrooms a hardcoat (gloss varnish) on top to make it look a bit more magical.

Counting points is a bit tricky, because while the Frog magician and the Mordheim warband are all 28mm figures (6x 5 = 30 points) the little mushrooms are far smaller. I measured them and they are about 15mm so I reckon 2 points each? (5 x2 = 10) Together that makes 40 points to get me off the 5 points I have now. Curt persuaded me before the Challenge to set my target at 300 points instead of my own estimate of 100 and I do doubt that I am ever going to reach that 300, the 100 would be possible I guess.

Groetjes Arthur


Greetings Arthur!

Great to see what you’ve been working on! I do like your teal and black colour scheme .. who cares if not exactly approval, you like the colours and that’s the best thing 😊

The magical mushrooms are aces, and I bet they will be well used as tabletop decor or objective markers.

Don’t worry too much about a 300point goal, Curt also talked me into that goal and I now know that there’s no way I’ll be meeting it … so you and I will be very happy with achieving what we can!

Thanks for sharing these

- Sarah


  1. Those are some fine mushrooms and the colours you chose for Mordheim warband look great. It is fantasy world and I think Dutch warbands (or like) are not all orange? :)

  2. Nice mushrooms. 3d prints?

  3. Good to see you painting again Arthur . Great work!

  4. Love the warband and the mushrooms!
