Sunday, 9 March 2025

From Millsy: Kruleboyz Marshscrawla Sloggoth + Army Shots! (35 points)

G'day All,

Here it is, the very last unit for my Warcry / Age of Sigmar Kruleboyz! I now have a complete Spearhead with extras and all that's left are big kits and stupidly expensive limited edition models so it'll be like this for a while I think.

The Marshscrawla Sloggoth is a gruesome monsta (sic) that the Grots (aka goblins or gobbos) ride like the wealthy members of the Raj once rode elephants with howdahs. There's certainly worse jobs going around if you're a Grot.

Chained and crawling low to the ground at all times so it's passengers aren't tipped out the back like a skip load, it's no wonder the poor beast looks unhappy with his lot. Even so, that's no excuse for poor personal hygiene. Check out that old man ear fuzz! Ewwwwww!!!

His Grot handlers use a range of man catcher type equipment to snare their prey and then chain them at the back for return to wherever they came from. Are these poor unfortunates prey food for their ride? Food for their larger Kruleboy cousins? Or is this all a pointless exercise and really just something to pass the time?

I've made a few upgrades to the out-of-the-box kit adding the shields to the sides and an extra head from my spares box. Without these it seemed a bit weedy and didn't have enough yellow to look the part amongst the rest of the army. There's also a sneaky Stormcast Eternal sinking inexorably into the mire on the base.

Points-wise I guess this counts as a vehicle and crew for a total of 35 points. What's 15% of a Stormcast Eternal worth, if anything at all? Only Sarah knows!

I'm absolutely stoked to have this final piece completed and ready for the table. Here's a few gratuitous shots of the entire force...

1 x 28mm "vehicle" and 3 x 28mm crew = 35 points.
I really need to make better choices when it comes to painting time ROI!

Artist: John Butler Trio
Album: Three

Artist: JOOF Editions Volume 6
Album: John OO Fleming

Artist: Paul Kelly
Album: Nature

Thanks for looking!


Hello Millsy
Oh wow, the Marshcrawler sluggoth is wondrously horrific and the whole combined force look quite fierce and I would think are also quite smelly. The extra bits added to the sluggoth definitely add impact and add to the storytelling aspect of the mini. Very cool!


  1. They do come up with some strange looking monsters. Fantastic painting and really wonderful marsh basing.

  2. wow, when you said it was tricky to paint I wasn't thinking that crazy. That is one detailed and crazy model, I just wouldn't even know where to start. You've done an incredible job on it and the force all set out is so cool.

  3. That's a monster an half! Who thinks up these beasties!

  4. Bloody hell, that's a monster alright! And a terrific paint job as well!

  5. Excellent work! Those cool yellows really tie the force together. I like your skin tone as well.
