Sunday, 9 March 2025

From Martijn: Final Saga Saracens and Blackbeard (Greed)(105 points)

This week, I have painted up the final unit of mounted Saracen warriors from the Gripping Beast Starter. I know that there are many out there who can paint the complete starter set in a day or less. and far better too, but I am very happy to have actually completed this small project!

Once again, they are really nice figures and enjoyed painting them. Even though they are cavalry ;-).

I mainly used contrast paints again, and Geek Gamers' base ready for the basing.

So here is the complete warband:

For this week's theme, I had to find something suitable for Greed. Looking through my backlog I found this Lovecraft pirate figure. I painted him up as Blackbeard, the famous pirate captain. I gave him a uniform coat he pinched off some unfortunate victim. I think he is very fitting for the Greed theme.

So, that leaves us with:

8 x 28mm mounted @10 = 80

1x 28mm foot @5= 5

Greed location bonus = 20

Grand total 105


Hello Martijn

Lovely post!

I particularly like your greedy pirate … Blackbeard looks very charismatic, deadly and proud of his captured spoils 

The Saracen’s are also well done, I really enjoy their colourful robes and the dynamic poses of the figures and the entire war band  looks deadly.

- Sarah


  1. Your Saga force looks great. Congrats on getting them ready for the table.

  2. Great figures and painting Martijn.

  3. Love the group shot and the pirate!
