Thursday, 6 March 2025

From MartinC: Further into Zululand. I sense we are being watched. (225 points)

Another week and the sense of unease increases. Luckily we have bought a lot of stuff, with reinforcements also being sent for

1st up the 60th rifles in their distinctive green uniforms

Continuing the units not in redcoats. The Naval Brigade

With the artillery in need of transport there are 6 limbers, ordered some more drivers - oddly the best figures for this are WW2 german wagon drivers. I also need to paint the artillery

All armies need supplies and mine has 10 ox carts, more drivers needed.  Never make 200 individual meanie bags and glue them in the back of 10 wagons. Just a tip for sanity

The most unusual units were the rocket batteries and mule pack horses 

3 gatling guns

Finally 5 hippos to disrupt river crossings

Scores on the doors

16 x 10mm vehicles = 96
61 x 10mm infantry = 61
9 x 10mm crewed guns = 29
24 x 10mm gun crew = 24
12 pack mules = 12
5 hippos = 5

Total = 203

TeemuL: I'll take your sanity tip and try to remember it! Your maths a bit off, I get 225 in total, which puts you nicely over your target. The question remains, two weeks left, how much more you will get?

These look great again, and hippos are a nice addition. I heard the Zulus are getting stronger and stronger, the British are happy to see some much needed reinforcements and equipments.


  1. Great work again. I very much anticipate a photo of all these forces and all the extras. Well done.

  2. Wonderful additions. Love the hippos
