And yet again, its more from my Retreat from Moscow project.
But this time its a little different. Here we have 2 6pdr French artillery pieces, with 5 crew each.
Which is a bit of a bugger coz, Perry's sell them as 1 gun plus 4 infantry, but in Sharpe Practice there should be 5 artillery men.....sigh, more expense.
So I bought a pack of Hired Help from Perry's to add the extra 2 figures I needed.
I was going to paint both crew in blue, but thought some nice brown coats would look cool, also just looking at the figures I forgot to paint the red trim around the chaps cap on the left.....damn it!!!
French artillerymen in greatcoats, a very rare figure, I couldn't find many companies that sell a range like Perry's ones.
Myself and Lee, thought these bases would look nice for the artillery, we've 2 bases of each size, and the good thing is I've already got a stack of French Napoleonic artillery in various sizes, so can swap these over whenever, also I might buy some other nationality artillerymen as well, perhaps some Pole, it depends on who sell them in great coats, but I could always get the guillotine out again??
Next up.....more of the same, but this time in blue and a bigger base. I suppose these could be used for the larger guns?
Not sure about standing in front of the gun though???
Looks a little dangerous to me?
I think the bases really make the pieces look great, I will probably add a few barrels and stuff to them at a later date. The smaller base can be bought here. for £1.75 and the larger one, here for £2
What a bargain!
Points are pretty easy
10 x 25mm figures 50pts
2 x 6pder artillery 20pts
Making a total of 70 pts!
TeemuL: Let's continue on the well trodden paths of Thursday and some excellent minis from Ray. Yes, it seems to be a dangerous position, standing in the front of the gun, but of course someone needs to load those things... Even though you didn't ask, I'll give you couple of bonus points for the well thought basing solution for these (and other) guns and crews! Keep them coming, Lee is surely waiting more targets. :)
Really nice figures and luv the basing