Wednesday, 5 March 2025

From SylvainR: 28mm Yellow Monsters for D&D (30 points)


This week, our fearless cleric encounters a family of yellow monsters: Mama Drider with two babies and their pet Hydra. All models are from Reaper and made of vinyl. I never used yellow on such large surfaces before, so I took this opportunity to paint a batch of big monsters in this "difficult" color.

Although small in height, the little "driders" or "arachnid centaurs", needed a wide base for their size, the same I used for my giants. I painted their eyes big and black in order to give them an "arachnoid" attitude. In the second picture, below, you can read "2013" on their rear end. I did not think that part would be visible when I was prepping the models and I should have scraped the writings off. Oh well...

When I assembled Mama Drider, I carefully filled the seam line in her abdomen with putty, but the filling material did not stick well when I used sand paper to soften the gap. Hopefully, players will pay more attention to her front end than to her rear end. Because of her size, I had to make a custom base for her out of mdf.

The thing with vinyl miniatures is that fitting is optional. After gluing the heads and filling the gaps with putty, I endeavored to "re-sculpt" the scales. Here she is in her bright yellow coat, ready to take five bites out of helpless adventurers. I custom made an mdf base for her as well.

 Points claimed:

2 x 28mm foot figurines at 5 points each = 10 points

2 x 28mm "mounted" figurines at 10 points each = 20 points

Total = 30 points

Thanks for reading!


Great work on your expanding monster menagerie here Sylvain. As you say, yellow is one of the more frustrating colours to work with. But it all looks go great in the end! This is how I ended up doing Imperial Fists for 30k even though painting yellow is so awful..

For all the trouble that yellow might cause painting-wise, however, it always seems like the vinyl material is always a bit of a bigger pain in the rear...well done handling all of the association modeling challenges that come with the vinyl material. 

30 points well-earned!



  1. Nice job on the yellow paint scheme. Another carefully placed tuft would take care of that 2013 issue.

  2. yip that is yellow for sure but nicely done
