Sunday, 16 March 2025

TomL, Faith, Hope & Love and Big Stompy Robots, 58 Points

For my penultimate post of the challenge, I present another Pulp Figures miniature from the Femme Fatales set:

I am heading toward the Eighth Sphere to visit one who understands the Fixed Stars of Faith, Hope and Love - the Grail Knight.  

This dedicated follower faithfully guards the shrine that embodies the love and hope of his faith through death and beyond. And no, you can't take the cup outside for a selfie.

This is also a Pulp Figures set with a Knight Templar, resin shrine and metal cup.  I attempted to create a marbled effect with gold underneath a black crackle compound but it is so subtle it’s almost invisible in a photo. Ah well.

Rounding out this post I have another set of Battletech mechs for a friend:

This is the “legendary warriors” set.  The first three are huge mechs in game terms as well as physically (they are 45-50mm).  These were also painted in a dark purple & black scheme so I lightened the background and used my new phone for the pictures as opposed to my 15yr old camera. The bases are painted with Secrete Weapons Concrete.

Total points: 58
1 15mm vehicles * 8 = 8
6 28mm figures * 5 = 30
Faith, Hope and Love = 20


Hi Tom

Ooh, I have always loved the Pulp Figures Femme Fatlaes set and you have done this tough gun moll right! I do like her green suit and jaunty white tie, I think she'll be the toughest dame on your game table :)

Faith, Hope, and Love is another super figure, very useful for lots of different settings ... fantasy, gothic/horror, pulp...

And Big Stompy Robots are always great fun, especially when purple!

58 points will be added to your scoreboard (by my minion of the spreadsheet, Curt)

- Sarah


  1. Thanks Sarah. Always good to have a spreadsheet minion nearby or so my family tells me. :)

  2. fantastic Knight Tom and I like the mechs as awell

  3. Great stuff again, Tom! And those mech photos look much better than previous ones, must be light or the phone. Good job!

  4. Great variety - I especially like the Grail Knight and altar
