Sunday, 16 March 2025

From GeoffT: Bloodbowl Dark Elfs (35 points)

Hello Challengers.

This is probably my last post this year, as am away on business next week.  But the day I return I’ll be playing a blood bowl 7 event.

This team was given to me from the deceased estate of a dearly missed gaming buddy.  So I have painted it up ready for the event.  I must write down the paint colours so I can remember when I do the other half of the team.

Happy with the red, but the purple and aqua are a bit too contrasted and uneven and may need some more work.  But will be fit for purpose in game.

I think I will like playing dark elves, my previous favourite team was elven union.

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

What a great way to remember a gaming buddy! I'm truly sorry to hear about your loss Geoff and I hope the joy you get from fielding the Dark Elfs will go some way to easing the pain of a missing friend. I'm sure he would have appreciated your work, which is some of the best you have produced this year IMHO.

The red and purple is a great combo and the ice blue accent really pops. I know you're not 100% happy with them but I can tell you they look great to me. You've clearly got more patience than me too, painting the name of each player on the base rim.

Thanks for sharing you work with us this year. Almost every week you have managed to surprise me with something new, different, or just plain weird on a few occasions. Always well painted and never lacking for variety it's been a blast to minion your work.

35 points it is and best of luck when these fellow take the field.



  1. Great looking team. I love the heartfelt offering Lippy Longlegs is making.

    1. Yes, I like that mini too. She and the other team members have a lot of knife looking bits, I did them in colour instead of metallics, like those modern kitchen knives with coloured blades.
