Sunday, 16 March 2025

MattW Belgian command 32 points

 Belgian commanders 

Two completed bases for my WW2 Belgian build. 

Commander, horses and Uhlan are FAA, the Chasseur Ardennais is Early War Miniatures 

The commander is FAA, radio operator is AB, the Chasseur, cavalryman and table are Early War Miniatures. 

20mm figures @ 4 points x 6 = 24 

20mm mounted x 1 = 8 

Total points 32




Hey Matt!

Wow, nicely done vignettes and impressive photography skills! I feel as though I'm looking at movie -stills. One can imagine the discussions between the commanders. I enjoy the slightly muted colour tones, and really nicely done details on the various packs/baggage on the horses.

Well done!

Another 32points for your scoreboard (I've drafted Curt to be my minion of spreadsheet updates)

- Sarah


  1. Excellent command stands for your table.

  2. Nice work matt, its novel to see horses in more modern periods

  3. command vignette spot on - yet more Belgian Army stunners - I really enjoyed your work.
