Sunday, 16 March 2025

From Millsy: Even More Star Wars Legion (141 points)

G'day All,

Having finished all my Kruleboyz I decided to see how much more Star Wars Legion stuff I could jam in between now and the end of the Challenge. This week I've been working on a number of fluffy factions for my Mos Millsy project, along with some of the Shadow Collective starter box.

Black Sun Enforcers

These are plastic miniatures from the Shadow Collective starter box and are one of the two major crime syndicates in the faction. They're quite large, with the smallest topping out around the 40mm mark. They took a lot of time to get right, mainly due to the gold trim everywhere which needed a burnt umber undercoat and then two coats of gold plus a 50/50 gold/silver highlight.

Blue Man Goons


A bunch more 3D prints to give me the first of several unaligned factions that I can use as spur-of-the-moment allies, enemies or just to sow chaos where it'll add to the fun. Quick to paint and a real "must have" from my POV for any collection based on Tatooine.

Desert Troopers

Another batch of 3D prints to add some extra muscle to my Empire forces. There are no official Desert Trooper miniatures (WHY NOT???) and although I painted and based my starter set Stormtroopers for Tatooine I've always felt there was a gap that needed filling. Quick to paint once again, in fact so quick it's tempting to add even more!

Odd Characters

Three more characters for scenarios, skirmish games, etc. Leia in disguise on her way to rescue Han from Jabba, good old Greedo who has possibly the most memorable cameo in all of Star Wars and a random female that came with the seven Jawas, apparently named "Sandi Gold". Think about it, and don't blame me when you work it out...


Points-wise these are...
  • Black Sun: 8 x 40mm infantry = 56 points
  • Jawas: 7 x 25mm infantry + 1 x "vehicle" = 45 points
  • Desert Troopers: 5 x 25mm infantry = 25 points
  • Characters: 3 x 25mm infantry = 15 points
Total: 141 points

Next up... Tusken Raiders!

Thanks for looking!


Hello Millsy!
  Your Mos Millsy Project has definetly been a highlight of the Challenge. 
Time well spent on the Black Sun Enforcers .. the gold trim looks awesome, I may have to "borrow" your recipe (I do like the shiny-things!)
My favourite is Leia in disguise, but that just may be a girl-thing :)
Looking forward to your Tusken Raiders next

I'll have Curt add another 141pts to your scoreboard
- Sarah


  1. Fantastic Star Wars additions. Looking forward to your SW group shot.

  2. Brilliant Millsy, particularly the gold which is very err -goldie and shines through - I might steal that recipe

  3. Great paint jobs on these little guys

  4. wonderful painting that suits the figures

  5. These are great, well done. But what I really want to know is - how did you make those shrubs on the bases in the background? I've been wanting to make something like those myself. Thanks!

    1. Thanks mate. Those are bristles from a stiff broom, hot glued onto the base, sprayed black and then painted in various murky shades.

  6. Tremendous brushwork Millsy. Great stuff.

  7. Lovely Star Wars pew-pew, Millsy. The Jawas are my favourites!

  8. Excellent looking figures Millsy. Love them all!

  9. Your tweaking my early teenage years - lovely work on great figures Millsy
