Saturday, 15 March 2025

From QuinnM: The lovers, the wise and the birds (90 points)

 For my last weekly post I have just a variety of things again. 

First, we have three Stormhawks from Stormcast Eternals. These guys were ever so slightly difficult to paint as they are on a long spring that if you hold them by the base constantly moves the model as you're painting it. So I just ended up dry brushing them with a variety of colors just to add some visual diversity if they ever get put on the table top. 

Next we have a singular lizard man from Warhammer underworlds. First time doing non-metallic metals. I'm quite happy with the final result and wanted for a more muted color palette. 

Then we have a centaur lady. As I'm writing this up, I'm too lazy to go check the rule book from Super Dungeon Explorer on what exactly her name is. I didn't do any fancy paint job on them as the models are not the highest of quality. And I have a fair number of monsters from this game to paint for a game I don't play regularly at all. I don't want to put too too much time into all the models.

Which leads us into one of the monsters from the game that I painted. This is a ancient owl wizard which I painted up for the theme of wisdom. Same reason for why I went with a More simplistic paint scheme in brighter colors. 

Then lastly we have Galen and Doralia Van Denst, a Witch Hunter father-daughter pair that I painted up for the themes of love. because what's more loving than charging into a horde of demons from hell with specifically enchanted weaponry to banish them back to once they came with your family watching your back.

6x32mmfootman@5points = 30 points

2x54mmfootman@10points = 20 points 

The Lovers 20 points 

The Wise 20 points

Total 84 points

Sylvain. What a lovely parting post. You offer a brilliant demonstration on how to adjust your palette to the subject you paint. Galen and Doralia are definitely from a grim and dark world while the characters from Super Dungeon Explorer immediately evoke a bright and colorful japanese-style anime universe. It was a pleasure to be your minion and I wish you a productive rest of the year.  


  1. Really effective highlighting. The grim witch hunters are my favorites.

  2. Super brushwork mate. The highlights are wonderful!

    1. Thank you. That's what I worked on improving the most This challenge was my brush control and getting highlights to look right
