This is the end of the journey for our valiant Blue Cleric. After meeting with the forward reconnaissance of a Tau battle group, the Cleric meets with the heavy elements, namely Tau battlesuits.
I am always amused to see how GW, a very British company, very jealous of its intellectual property, shamelessly integrates elements of Japanese robot design in their own Tau miniature lines, pushing the limit of copyright infringement. The term "battlesuit" is obviously inspired by the expression "mobile suit" from the Series "Gundam". There are also many other similarities in design, like the thrusters in the back, the pilot located in the chest, the elf-ear-looking sensors on the heads, etc. Don't get me started.
After playing Grim Dark at JeremyM, some time ago, I realized that my little Tau army did not have any commander in battlesuit, or heavy support battlesuits for that matter. Shopping for some, I found on Kijiji a second hand lot for a good price. Alas, good price often means poor condition... There where 3 XV8 Crisis battlesuits in the lot, but I had to use one for spare parts. I don't mind, it's part of the game. I used on these figurines the same dark grey/purple pattern adorning the rest of my little Tau force.
I like the look of the XV88 Broadside battlesuits, bristling with weapons. I might have been a little too heavy on weathering though...
And the pièce-de-résistance, the commander in battlesuit armor, the reason why I acquired these figurines in the first place. In its flight pose, this model really evokes Gundam and all the other flying "mobile suits" from the famous Japanese anime series.
Points claimed:
5 x 54mm foot figurines at 10 points each = 50 points
Total = 50 points
This is my last post of the Challenge. Thanks for reading!
Fabulous work on these Battlesuits, Sylvain, and some impressive additions to your Tau force. The purple and grey are a nice combination and I like the pose of the jumping commander (mind those fragile ankles on the descent!). I look forward to seeing them on the tabletop when we next play 'GrimDark Future'. A great parting shot for your Challenge this year - bravo!
- Curt
Excellent Tau. I remember the first time I read of GW space marines. I thought they were rather weak compared to Heinlein's Nuke tossing Starship troopers. Still each has their own unique style and flavor.