Sunday, 16 March 2025

From KentG: 28mm Medieval foot (280pts)

 Well here we are again another week has past man have the weeks 
Past by so fast, once again I’m in the midst of Medieval figures
I’m having way to much fun painting these luckily I have more on the desk
First up 12 Templar knights I did a few alterations but they are mainly
Straight out of the box.

The banner is just hand painted not the best job might do an
Extra highlight of red maybe not
The white on these figures is painted with a brown base where the next 
batch is painted with a blue base.

Last year during the challenge I painted a footsore miniatures baron called
Eustace of Lowdham so I thought why not paint a few figures to stand by his side
Below are 12 men at arms ready to stand in battle

The flag is a free ECW flag from warlord games I cut it down 
Kept a row of stars and blue and painted out the rest of the blue flag 
with white not the best but still a flag it is

Last is a batch peasants crossbows mixed weapons 
And slingers

Ok now for the points
12 foot knights
12 foot sergeants 
32 peasants 
Total of 56 foot @5pts each
So total of 280 pts

From Millsy:

Yet another awesome batch of medieval goodness Kent!

Whilst the Templars are just wonderful I can't go past the retinue of Eustace of Lowdham which is both beautifully executed but also a cunning repurposing of a flag from a later period. If you had not mentioned the provenance I would never have known it wasn't pf the period. I love the way you have carried the blue sash and stars throughout the retinue up to and including the surcoats. Great stuff!

Thanks for sharing your work with us again mate. It's been an absolute pleasure to minion your work once again. 280 more points it is!



  1. I like these figure paintings especially the peasants for their muted colour range. The flag of Eustace was a good idea and it works.

  2. That white really pops, looks great
