Saturday, 15 March 2025

From BrianC: Alternative Armies, Rumbleslam, Rum n Bones, and Zombicide (107pts)

 First, A BIG thanks to Minion Sylvain! Awesome host! I'm not that great of a miniature painter and that's ok. I paint minis to play the games. Another great year of being amazed with all the talented miniature painters in this challenge! Wow! This is my 2nd "season" of participating in the challenge and I LOVE it! 

Ok, here we go with what I have painted which is a bit of this and bit of that. In which is the normal for me. Ha! 

Alternative Armies 15mm Scorpion Scourge(10)

Alternative Armies 15mm Hover Support Wagon.

Alternative Armies 15mm Sphera Attack Orb

Next, is my last Old Glory 28mm "Redneck" Miniature to complete my group of four. Fun miniatures to paint and I look forward to getting them in some weird tabletop miniature games!

Here are some more Cool Mini or Not, Rum and Bones Pirates(8). I added base colors and used the Army Painter Speedpaints on top. That made the colors "pop" a little, I guess? I like them either way. Ha! 

I finished two more Rumbleslam miniatures and only have one more left to complete the team of five! Here we have the Grappler(orange shorts) and the Brawler(40mm).

Going Zombicide now! I have finished 2 Zombicide Invader miniatures. Magnus(35mm) and the Peacekeeper Bot(40mm).

Well, that wraps it up! I may have some entries for the "Free Fire."
Thank you again!

15mm x 10 = 20pts.
15mm vehicles x 2 = 16pts.
28mm x 10 = 50pts.
40mm x 3 = 21pts.

TOTAL = 107pts.

Sylvain: I'm glad you enjoyed the Challenge. You seem to opt for "fun" subject to paint, like cartoonish pirate characters or pro-wrestlers or a robot with 5 backpacks. And you do a great job at making them colorful. It's actually fun to watch your post :-). I hope you'll be with us again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Great work, Brian! I especially like the orb and the pirates.
