Saturday, 3 January 2015

From TeemuL - 28mm Ork & Goblin Arrers (35 Points)

First a photo of my "mobile painting station." My painting can be a little old school, but my painting station is old school. Couple of sheets of newspaper on kitchen table and here we are. Yes, the space is quite limited home at the moment and after getting back to hobby couple of months ago there has not been better place for my painting. Anyway, this keeps my WIP projects in control, there is only limited amount of space available in the box. The other box has my paints, brushes and other tools while the other box has the WIP miniatures. When there's visitors or the table is needed for boardgaming, the boxes are moved away. Luckily I am allowed to have them on the table overnight, so it is easier to have short painting sessions on the evenings.

But enough of that, here's more old Orc Arrers. Four again, these were faster to paint, because I had some routine. I also skipped the Mephisto Red undercoat and used Evil Sunz Scarlet straight over the white undercoat on the clothes. Seems to be solid enough. I also painted the teeth with little bit differently compared to earlier ones, they are less white and more yellow.

The pictures are bit dark again, the snow has melted, the sun is not shining, it's raining and storming, but they ended up ok.

Then something else, 3 goblin arrers. I believe these are from the WHFB 4th Edition Starter. I have not painted these miniatures earlier, so there was nothing to paint-match them. However, I wanted them to match the Orcs, so they could be happily fight in the same army. I wanted them to look more unique, they have more individuality than Orcs, so each has a different "hat" or what ever that hoodlike thing is called. The color choices are pretty much same as for the Orcs, but I gave a Dark Green Ink wash on the skin and then heavily drybrushed with Goblin Green. They are little bit darker and small details are easier to notice. Evil Sunz Scarlet is not working as well on these smaller areas than on the larger Orks, the brightness is lacking a bit. I think the next ones need the Mephisto Red under the Scarlet.

After taking the pictures from Orcs, I managed to drop my camera on the floor and it won't start... It served me well for seven or so years. Photos are saved, so no worries there. Luckily my better half has enough of cameras (and one of them is easy enough to use), so I managed to take these photos with different camera. I need to play around with the settings a little bit, I just noticed that these are quite a bit larger than the previous ones. I need to take some camera lessons, but she is now busy with Revell 1/24 Ford Mustang 64½ -model kit I gave her as Christmas gift some years ago. That saved the rainy day. :)

That's all for now, seven 28mm models should give me 35 points and get me above the 100 point mark!

From Curt:Great work Teemu! I love seeing these venerable Goblin archers with their kooky hats. It's made even better that you're painting them up in the old school fashion, even with the red bows! I remember it always made me crazy that so many of the early edition models only fit diagonally on their bases so when they were ranked-up they were never aiming directly ahead. It still makes me twitch a bit when I look these...
Again, great job Teemu! 


  1. Nice bright red 'Oldhammer' orcs and gobbos. Great greenskin stuff, Teemu.

  2. Nice old school work Teemu :)

  3. Ahhhh... More old school orc goodness. Really looking forward to seeing the whole unit finished and lined up together Teemu. Good to see I'm not the only one going green at the moment!

  4. Great models and very old school painting. I have a bunch of these same models sitting on shelves in the basement. This is tempting me to throw some paint on them.

  5. Another nice bunch from you. Love those Gobbo's!

  6. Always good to see some "Oldhammer" Nicely done on the arra boys.

  7. Very nice, and like the old school paint desk..

  8. Nice work. I love the yellow detail on the goblin's hat. A brilliant idea.

    1. I was aiming at yellow triangles, I think they worked out quite well.

  9. Great looking ol skool greenskins, Teemu! Mine are still primered white and hiding in a box someplace!

  10. Takes me back a long way, nice work


  11. Very nice, and fantastic old Goblins!

  12. Really rockin' the Oldhammer figures! I hope you can keep going, it's inspiring me to keep going with mine.

  13. Thank you all for your kind words.

  14. These guys are so cool! I love the skull belt buckles, and the yellow edging you did on the one fellow's black hood is a nice touch.
