Tuesday, 21 January 2025

David B - Warcry- more skullz for the skull throne (60points)

I could have used this for lust, but I will save that for another entry. My wargaming buddies have been trying to get me in AoS by using the underworld game and WarCry. of the two Warcry is a great skirmish game, but the Sig marine knights were too strong and did not need a lot of effort to pilot in game. They are a great warband for new players to figure out the game though. The skirmish game is supposed to be small scale skirmish in the chaos wastes of competing warbands. The smaller chaos tribes sending out champions to build the next army under a new champion.
I bought a used box on ebay minus the starter warbands, but it came with books, compediums, extra cards, dice, and all the terrain. I did not care for the starter warbands so it was a good deal for me. The terrain was primed in a terracotta and in rough shape. it was also assembled a bit incorrect from recommended assembly which makes a little bother for setting up games.
I have been using up my version one army painter speedpaints and a boatload of craft paints as i worked shadows and highlights over these. Entirely brushwork with no airbrush and the bigger and sloppier the brush the better!

I spent a bit of time working the blues and greens on the terrain to match the included game board so that the terrain matched up to be more immersive.

I think I did get it close, but I still think I may use some black and grey on the tree timbers as the sculpt seems to lend to fire damaged timbers. for now I am happy with the effect.

The Corvus Cabal with a leader, a hero, and two champions with 4 standard cultists.

They are a lot more fun than the knight warband I have since there is only 4 heroes and even they can be eliminated quick if put in bad places.

This fellow is my favorite and has proved deadly with the right combos. A ninja that is quick and can fly from heights. In my game group he has a high price on his head.

All of them have feathers and bird skulls. I zenthial highlighted them over black then fully painted the feathers in blue with highlights and the cloth in purple with highlights. I then covered the areas in black legion contrast paint with gave them the blackened hue I wanted for evil ninjas. The feathers a cold black and clothing a warm one.

They were Primed since summer, but the leader needed repair and rebasing as she has been smashed in a truck door and later was stepped on.I fixed her many times and her bird now has a beak made from a plastic spear tip as the door or foot flattened the beak. 

She is a very capable hero and only has died twice...not including the two smashing incidents. but i had to use a slap chop to get the zenithal highlights after I based her again. I hope that she won't be smashed again now that she is painted. As a veteran of susch smashings, I made her skull mask nore aged than her underlings

A couple of champions to lead the rabble. one male and one female with a bit of red warpaint to seperate them from the others

I quite like them as some glass cannons.

some of the chaff cultists, they work best as pairs and with one of the four heroes. Sometimes as ablative armor, but quite capable in dealing damage with pile on attacks.

of this pair the one with the raven is a tracker that can aid in improving attacks.

I used the army painter deep skin tones which run from a cold umber to a very pale flesh tone. i wanted them to look like pasty skinned ninjas who work most in the night. I picked this bunch of cultists because of their dynamic look and they do remind me more of animated Naruto Ninjas than chaos cultists.I kept their basing simple to also tie in with the battle board 

I think  I spent a little too much time on the terrain than I should have.

it is some wonderful terrain though and will be used in other games as well

It was a lot of fun leaning into the damaged terrain theme with the weathering

I spent way too much time painting the damaged bell tower
with all the oxidation and rust and dust, the grime streaks. really nice terrain for such a small game and worth the price paid. I have found some 3d print terrain that can be added to it to make the card setup of the game closer. except for the barricade terrain only the bell had skulls. With the bricks, metal, timbers, and improvised repair, really evocative terrain with lots of different textures to paint.
so that is 8 chaos cultists for 40 points
a full set of game terrain for 0 points...but there was 49 skulls
add the avian skulls if allowed for another 25 skulls  plus the seven already in and I have a new total of 81 skulls in the skull duel! that makes one more skull than the points earned for this post!

I feel that Warcry is an underrated game. Sure its got some shortcomings but I really like the fast paced, almost elegant way it compresses and speeds up the GW system from which it came.
I really like your Corvus Cabal warband and what you've done with the terrain, upon which the whole game relies. I'm awarding you bonus points for that on top of the figs - enjoy David!

- Paul


  1. Fine work once more David. Can't say I have ever tried Warcry, but given that these sort of flanker games tend to be pretty fun, I expect it is engaging - especially with the nice terrain! Great work.

    1. Thanks, Greg! It is a very fun game. I have resisted building an army, but may aquire another gang of cultist or two!

  2. You have reallynpainted tgese up brilliantly, both the terrain and the miniatures. Very thematic.

    1. Thank you, Sander! My latest gaming distraction!

  3. Gee, you did a magnificent job on that 2nd hand terrain set and your attendant figures are just lovely. Well done Dave!

    1. Thank you, Curt! It started as hobby tax to game with friends, but it certainly is a fun game. My backup troop is almost finished as I type.

  4. Excellent stuff David. Always like your work. Great terrain items too.

    1. Thank you , Peter! Theses were a lot of fun to paint which makes it seem quicker work!

  5. Fabulous terrain and excellent figures to fight among the ruins. Well done.

    1. Thank you, Bruce! More enroute and some more Warcry terrain from 3d prints may follow...

  6. Well Done! Your work here will make a gaming table top happy!

    1. Thanks, Steve! It will make the games more fun with the terrain and troops finally painted!

  7. Lovely stuff, and all the skullz will count!

  8. The warband looks great and the terrain is awesome. Never tried Warcry, but now I am tempted... Well done!
