Tuesday, 21 January 2025

From NickY: The Daughters of Har Ganeth [75 points]

The year was 1995 and I was until then a pure elven son from the ten kingdoms of Ulthuan. My soul was unscarred by the allure of dark seduction, and never had I tasted the bitter spite of our dread cousins. But that was to change when a book was placed in my hands, a book whose cover was devilishly designed to tempt the unwary with images that were 'da bomb'. A dope lizard riding elven dreadlord and a scantily clad vixen warrior and sorceress looked at me accusingly. 

11 x 25mm Dark Elf Witch Elves from Games Workshop

11 x 25mm foot @ 5 points = 55 points

Limbo bonus = 20 points

Total = 75 points

"Why had I allowed my pitiful mind to be deceived by the treacherous lies of false Kings?"

Had I? Was it all a lie? Had the true Phoenix King been betrayed and denied his rightful claim to the throne? How could a dinosaur, I mean lizard, riding elf and his oh so attractive entourage be wrong? 

I had not the courage or the time back then to sate my desires. Well, it is 'high' time I find out the 'dark' truth for myself.

With the hope that maybe I can play some fantasy battles in the Old World or in another fantasy setting, I am endeavouring to fulfill that promise I made to that dreadlord and his seductive retainers. 

Nice work Nick - always so satisfying to finish off an old project and realise it. Feels like some kind of redemption from the unrealised pile of partial potential They certainly are a collection of dynamic ladies - I trust get to see some table top action soon!


  1. Great painting Nick - and very entertaining post!

  2. I really like those vibrant reds, great work!

  3. Great colour choices - very nice looking Dark Elves.

  4. Very clean painting Nick and I love the eyes!

  5. Awesome work! How did you do the bases? They look fabulous.

  6. Love them! They have great hair, what products do they use?

  7. Fantastic painting on the skin and faces. Very cool based toppers.

  8. Wonderful brush work and post. Fabulous in any setting.

  9. Wonderful work, Nick they look fabulous from the wild hair to the bases beneath their spikey boots. Well done!

  10. Great work! Dark Elves can be so persuasive, can't they? I may have to add some ladies to fight for my Morathi and all that is good.

  11. I can fix her... Great basing as well.

  12. Great story and great painting, Nick!
