Tuesday, 16 February 2016

From LeeH - 6mm Punic Citizen Infantry (108 points)

These 6mm Carthaginian Citizen Infantry are the latest addition to my Punic War project and have been a serious test of my ability and stamina. In short a real Challenge. This is double the number of infantry I normally paint in a single session and have really tested my ability to keep focused.

Six units of Punic Citizen Infantry

The hardest part of painting these (aside from going wobbly eyed from tiredness) was getting the shields to look right. In the end I gave them a white base coat and painted the shield bosses with Bronze. Then I inked the shield to show up the raised details before returning with pure white to re-establish the highlights. This took a long time, but I'm really happy with the finished effect.

Close-up of one units an its commander

Changing formation... say cheese for the camera!

These models are by Baccus and are listed as Citizen Infantry. These are basically un-armoured apart from bronze helmets and large oval shields. They all carried short swords but their main weapon was a short stabbing spear. 

In column, marching to the next battle. 
I'm not sure what I'll be painting next but it won't be infantry that's for sure! Two hundred and sixteen 6mm infantry should net me 108 points and will take me significantly closer to my target score of 300.

What is it with the Rejects and their arithmetic? First we had Ray trying to blag points for a 7th, non-existent figure and here we have Lee who doesn't seem to be able to count how many figures he has painted. Mind you, he has tried to diddle himself out of points, so not as bad as the Badger.
6 bases @ 36 figures per base is 216 figures, not 162 you silly boy!
That will be 108 points then.

Edit: the sneaky so-and-so came back and edited his post while I was checking with him! 


  1. Doh!... When I said I was tired by the end of these I wasn't joking. Somehow I managed to count these bases as three ranks of nine not twelve. I even added them up twice to double check!

    Embarrassment aside I'm well chuffed with 108 points because that puts me a gnats whisker away from my target of 300. But first I need to lay down in a darkened room....

    1. Sorry Tamsin, I thought I'd got in there before you did your write up. Sneaksy AND clumsey.

    2. Yeah, yeah, yeah - like you didn't see my blurb when you did your sneaky edit :p

  2. Well done Lee - they came out really well

  3. I am just loving these 6mm ancients that you and Ian are pumping out Lee. Great looking units and love the close up of the commander. The shields came out really well.

    Tamsin, give this lad a bit of break. He's acknowledged his error and fixed it!

    1. Stop worrying - it's all just friendly banter between fellow Rejects :)

      Speaking of which, that sneakiness suggests he might be channelling the Rejects' leader, Il Postino Diablo! :o

    2. Now there's a scary thought.

    3. OK so I got to ask... who or what "Rejected" you guys? I'm sort of scared to find out but also very curious.

    4. This is probably a question Ray should answer... but for myself I guess It sort of sums up the fact that no regular, self respecting wargames club would take a motley bunch like us, hence we're rejects.

  4. Great work Lee, it gets tough when you do so many at the same time but it does get them moving well


    1. I enjoyed painting them. but did keep finding myself half way through a step wondering if I would every get to the end. They just seemed to go on and on and on.

    2. Just think how I felt doing those 616 Reb infantry! :)

  5. Small and dinky yet at the same time quite cute. Ok maybe cute is the wrong word. But they do look good.

  6. Brilliant work - they look fantastic. I hope your eyes recover soon!

    1. It's my sanity (and ability to add up correctly) that need to recover first!

  7. Great work Lee! You really are powering through that army. They would make great thureophoroi, too.

  8. Fantastic work. Shields were worth the effort

  9. Great work Lee. So much excellent ancient stuff this time out! Might be something for me to try in the next edition of the Challenge...

  10. Beautiful work Lee! They look fabulous all ranked up.

  11. Oh wow Lee, this is truly incredibly cool! You can all but hear the tramp of the sandalled feet and the clinking of the ironmongery and the clarions calling out to the foe "Your Doom is coming!"

  12. Great job Lee.. That is some job , no wonder your eyes were boggled!

  13. Super brushwork Lee. The quality makes them look a much bigger scale than they are!

  14. Super stuff, the shields look great!

  15. really nice, the time spent on shields really works at this scale.

  16. Great looking units and definitely well worth the effort I'd say.

  17. Fantastic troop of troops, Lee! Grand work on them and the sheilds are marvelous! ;)
