Monday, 11 February 2019

Monday's Children show no sign of flagging

It is mid-Challenge, and about this time the fatigue and lactic acid build-up sets in. Monday's Children are an inspiration, with a mighty seven posts to show that forwards motion to our targets is still possible.

It is by will alone we set our brushes in motion.
Who is this Will Alone bloke?

There's a bit of a Euro-tour today, taking in Germany, France, Venice, Vienna, the low Countries, Britain, Yugoslavia and Russia, with a side tour to Afghanistan, the American South, and the Warhammer Old World.



  1. "It is by will alone I set my brush in motion. It is by the water of the rinse jar that figures acquire paint, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my brush in motion."

  2. You mean this one Ev?

    It is by will alone I keep myself from pooping
    It is by the juice of java that bowels acquire speed
    The shorts acquire stains
    The stains become a warning
    It is by will alone I keep myself from pooping

    1. Sometimes you really frighten me Millsy...
