Sunday 14 February 2021

From Dallas: A Miscellany! (42 points)

So I'm still waiting on a base for my submission for the Hall of Heroes, which is the last room left for me in the Chambers of Challenge. In the meantime, though, I've still been painting, and I have a bunch of random stuff in different periods, genres and scales to submit!

First up is the second painted model from my Barons' War (part 2) project - the Lord Edward.

This is another model from the Curteys Miniatures range and it's really good. The Curteys models have separate heads and weapons but they fit fairly well.

Heraldry was all painted freehand of course.

This was a good one to get done. Fortunately the heraldry on the other knights will likely be simpler than this! Ten points for a mounted 28mm model.

Next up are a couple of models from my teenage collection - a Grenadier Djinn and treasure chest.

I think that the skin on this model turned out well. I basecoated it with GW Rhinox Hide and highlighted with Mournfang and Skrag Browns.

Even painted the eyes! It's quite a large figure (it's on a 40mm base) so I will claim seven points, and three for the small treasure chest.

Here's another Grenadier model from 40 years ago - the Iron Golem. I painted him as a bronze golem as I thought that was a bit more interesting.

Colours used were Retributor Gold, Hashut Copper and Brass Scorpion, as well as Agrax Earthshade.

Decent detail on this model for something sculpted over 40 years ago. Seven points for this big model as well.

Next up are two 28mm downed Soviet pilots from Mongrel Miniatures. These guys are super-characterful and enjoyable to paint for sure. 

Dude reaching for his pistol.

His companion is nursing a wounded arm.

Ten points for these two 28mm models.

Last model in the post is one that had been sitting on the painting table primed for some years... it's a 20mm Sherman tank from an unknown manufacturer. Not sure how I got it as I don't do WW2 in 20mm anymore (and sold all my models in that scale). The model is quite nice - resin hull and turret with metal tracks and gun - and well detailed. 

The original .50cal machinegun went AWOL at some point but I substituted a 15mm plastic one (gasp!) that seems to work OK. 

As you can see, it's been painted as a Soviet lend-lease vehicle. The idea is that it will see service with Conscript Greg's 20mm Soviet forces. Of course he'll probably want to stick it on a base or something crazy :-)

I'm pretty pleased with it actually. The base is Castellan Green highlighted with Death World Forest. Decals are from the decal folder - Tamiya 1/48 StuG III (turret numbers) and Tamiya 1/48 T-34/76. Some shipping and mud splashing completed the work.

Fifteen points for a 20mm vehicle. I'm hoping that my next post will be to fulfill the Hall of Heroes challenge and from there I'll prostrate myself before the Altar of the Snowlord!

Happy Valentines Day everyone and please stay safe in all senses of the word ;-)


  1. Wow, you've been busy Dallas! Fantastic work buddy. The freehand heraldry on Edward is amazing. Such a nice job. And I really like the skin tone of the Djinn and the metallic of your Bronze Golem.

    1. ...and you're off by a few points as well. I scored you at 49, rounded up to 50 for that brilliant knight.

  2. Love the Lions rampant - very effective and wonderful uniformity across stacks and sides, great job 👏

  3. Great looking heraldry and all the other mixed bag of a lovely post!
    Best Iain

  4. Wonderful variety Dallas and great work all around. Love the see the freehand heraldry

  5. Awesome work all around Dallas - that heraldry in particular...holy sh*t! Great stuff.

    Can't wait to get that tank on to the gaming table - an no worries, I haven't been basing my 20mm vehicles...yet...

  6. A very productive miscellany!

  7. Amazing work as usual Dallas. But holy crap that heraldry.... I suck at freehand work, so very much appreciate when someone does it well. Great work!

  8. Great work on this bunch if figures, the knight is awesome 👍
    Regards KenR
