Sunday 14 February 2021

From MilesR: I Remember what I forgot - the Final Section of Stalingrad is Done (240 Points)


The final section of the Stalingrad table (2ft x 6').  The total table will be 10ft x 6 ft and I think it looks pretty good.

The first picture is taken looking west with the Volga river bank in the foreground.

Along the river bank is one of the more iconic buildings - The House of Specialists.  This will be a key German objective during the game as it is a very good artillery observation post to shell the other side of the Volga.
A generic set of ruins

Red Square and the iconic Univermag Department Store.  I designed the Department Store in Inkscape and used a cricut machine to cut out all the parts in 2mm chipboard.  The park is about 75% accurate to the real one and I made add a little bit more green
The front of the Univermag.  I like how the rubble came out.
a "street" level view

The Nail Factory and a large generic ruin
A shot for the other side
Some Russian village shacks - these might get changed out

The other side of the House of Specialists

I dont have a table big enough to put the whole city up in one go so here are some pictures of the three sections:

South (this is a repeat) and only the left half is the Souther section)

The Center section

and the Northern section (completed pre-Challenge)

Here a diagram to help orient you.  Oops - the diagram is out of date because the House of Specialists has been built and so should be green not red.

There is still a lot of detail work to complete but it feels really good to get the table to a playable state.  I can't wait to get this up to the club and start play-testing the rules - once I've got my vaccine, of course.

As for points, let's use the method from last time.

The base layer if 24" x 72" x 0.75" which equals 1,296 cubic inches.  The total volume of all the buildings is roughly 1,300 cubic inches so that brings the total to 2,596 cubic inches.  Divide that amount by 216 and one gets 12.0185 terrain "cubes".  Lets round that to 12 and call it 240 points.


  1. A very impressive piece of work Miles. Bravo!

  2. Another very impressive build, Miles. Excellent backdrop for some epic games!

  3. Thanks for the kind words. Stalingrad is a really big project for me and a few times it felt a little "too big" so it feels good to have it at a playable state. Still lots lots that can be done but most of that is more nice to haves than got to haves. I'm afraid you'll see a bit more Stalingrad Terrain over the next few weeks but they will be speciality pieces and replacements for really basic structures on the table now.

  4. A stunning example of Miles Megalomania absolutely bonkers. Excellent stuff all around.

  5. Excellent work, I've been following this build on your blog, very impressive to get here.

  6. Your dedication and hard work has definitely paid off. Well done on reaching this stage with this amazing table.

  7. Great looking set up 👍
    Regards KenR
