Wednesday 5 January 2022

From AlexK - A New Challenge and A New Project (28 Points)

So as of late December another challenge rolls around and I look to my shelves full of planned projects, nearly complete armies, special one of figures that had to be bought, gifts that have yet to see the light of a starkly lit painting room never mind a wargames table. All ready and willing to be finished, finally able to fulfil their primary role, just waiting on me to do the right thing and use the next three months to just add paint and allow them to ascend to the gaming that a good idea???......Well hello Marvel Crisis Protocol, please allow me to swiftly move you to the VIP area of our painting queue. Don't worry about the others, if they've waited 5 years another 6 months will do them no harm......I suspect!?

That is how I've ended up in this painting scenario, ill prepared, many models unassembled and no real plan on how to go about painting this project. All that said, my level of enthusiasm for the task is through the roof and whilst it is, I need to get to some painting done before I end up with more models clinging on to hopes of challenge 13!

For this first entry I present a selection of Super Heroes (and some villains) from the Marvel Crisis Protocol game. These models are so different from my usual painting project they have unleashed a real sense of joy in painting that I haven't experienced for a long time. I love the way they require being painted with a really high level of contrast, deep shadows rolling in to highly charged highlights and if that wasn't enough someone added in extra special effects and glowing powers. The inner 11 year old me is super jazzed at this. So enough waffle and time for some pictures.

Drax and Gamora


And finally Nebula

Now scoring these maybe a bit of a challenge as they are around the 40mm scale but swing wildly around that measurement, some much larger and some smaller. I'm suggesting 7 points each for a total of 28 but I'm not sure? If anyone doesn't enjoy super heroes and the like, you may wish to skip my challenge 12 posts as it's all very Sci-fi.



Hi Alex, welcome again to The Painting Challenge. While Super Heroes may not be my thing, I know you are not alone, and many of the Challengers will share your interest and enjoy your excellent brushwork. And whatever our interests, I know all of us can relate to that moment where we suddenly dive into a whole new project out of excitement, pushing other projects to the side for "a time". 

As I am painting some pretty large figures myself these days, I am sympathetic to these large Crisis Protocol sculpts scoring-wise. That will 28 points for you, and we all look forward to more!



  1. Hi Alex:
    Your large heroes are delightful, I'm a huge of GOTG films and love these characters. Your brushwork is so on point and subtle, and I'm happy that they brought you joy to paint.
    I noticed that Dave Bautista appears in the new Dune movie - I only know him as Drax, so it was a shock to see him as a bad guy!
    Cheers and well done, Mike P

  2. Unknown heroes to me, aren't Superman, Spiderman and Batman enough? :) But very nice painting and I like the high contrasts. And I can relate to your plans and changing plans.

  3. This line of figures is so dynamic. Great job on these - I can’t wait to see more!

  4. Nice job on those Guardians!

  5. Thankyou very much everyone, your comments are very much appreciated

  6. Great work on these very dynamic figures Alex.

  7. Very nice job, I can see myself getting sucked into this as a gaming mate has started buying them…..!

  8. Brilliant looking figures Alex!

  9. Great figures Alex. I'm a DC man when it comes to reading the comics, but Marvel characters always seem more fun when painting, less blacks and greys to deal with.

  10. Very well done! Nebula looks epic

  11. Excellent work! Great pallet selections!

  12. Fabulous work. Vibrant colors.

  13. Splendid looking super heroes, lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  14. Brilliant job on some Brilliant figures 👏

    Regards KenR

  15. Some really good paintjobs Alex,I specially love Ronan!

  16. Very very nice! I particularly like your Gamora.

  17. Oooooh these are spectacular Alex. The purples on Nebula, red Gamora. Love them.

    I too have been sucked into this new range and am feeling my Challenge plans be kicked out of shape. But its all fun and toys in the end.

  18. very nice additions Alex, Bravo

