Tuesday 4 January 2022

From ChrisW - Another 28mm variety pack (277 points)

Hello again

Thank you everyone for the nice welcome comments, very nice group!!

I must say I am enjoying the pressure that this challenge has created for me. For too long I have operated with no deadline, no reason to finish off projects, or even to start any projects. Now I feel under the gun to get stuff done each week, it is great!! I may even start to focus on one subject at a time, but so far that does not look likr it will happen any time soon.

So onto this weeks output. Some of this stuff just suddenly appeared in front of me, with no plans of being tackled. The robots were not in the pipe, but when I finally found the queens cape, and was able to match it up with the queen miniature it seemed that fate was telling me to get it done.  Similar tale for the cyclops. On the other hand some stuff just could not be finished in time, in part due to these distractions, and will be added to next weeks grouping (hopefully)

So here we go.

Up first are two 28mm vehicles, the tank for Back of Beyond, while the armored car is slated for Maximillian 1934. Both are from 1st Corps. The A/C has had it's crew modified via head swaps, and a lot of extra baggage has been added. The thought is that these guys are racing across the top of the world, gathering loot souvenirs as they travel. They may not be the fastest team but they certainly are good bargain hunters!

Red was the first week, while blue is this week.


Leaving Vulcan we travel next door to visit a B movie set for terror of the Cyclops! Shades of Sinbad this cyclops is from Black Tree Design. ( Previously painted poor unfortunate soon to be victim for scale only)

Then thanks to the Robot Queen we hop a ride aboard Sarah's Yacht our journey ends at Planet Skaro!

The queen and her giant robot entourage welcomed(?) us promising that we could (or was that would?) stay forever...The Queen and her entourage are from Hydra miniatures.

We found some other visitors stranded staying on Skaros, a VSF sub and crew. The ship is by Minifigs OOP and the crew is from Ironclad miniatures. All these figures will make it to Mars some day soon.

 So the point total, well I may need some help on this.

The easy stuff

  • 40 points for two planets
  • 20 points tank
  • 35 points A/C + 3 28mm crew
  • 85 points British naval brigade 15 figures and 1 crew served pintel mount MG

Subtotal so far of 180 points

  • 7 points? Robot Queen
  • 40 points? Four Robots
  • 10 points? Cyclops
  • 20-40 points for the Submarine (it is one vehicle but is bigish) 

Subtotal for the questionable points  87 points


So possible total of  267?


Help on scoring would be appreciated. 

Sorry for the late on Tuesday submission, I am trying to set a new target day so that I am done my post by Monday.

Wow! What an eclectic points-bomb. No worries about it being submitted late on Tuesday - I keep checking until midnight UK time! However, I'd just like to note that it would be helpful if you put "draft" in the title while you are still editing it so that I know it isn't ready for me to minionise.

As for points, according to the Spreadsheet of Doom (TM) going with the points you suggest (and scoring the sub as 40 points) it comes out as 277 points for this post.



  1. Hi glad by chance I am first to comment - totally mad collection of figures and vehicles but love it. I like the range of projects and games you have going! My favourite is the modified / "pimped up" 1st Corps armoured car - the tusks are great! If you get chance to reply what is Maximillian 1934 like as a game?

    Cheers Jez

    1. Sadly I must confess to not having play the game even though I have a fair size collection of stuff (unpainted), and now 1 painted vehicle. (not counting the various die cast cars that are in need of repainting)
      Some would say too many projects, no focus, but not me as I like the chaos!

  2. wow, cracking post. love the vehicles but the robots are fantastic.

  3. These look like 1950s movie stills …. Very cool!

  4. Lots of pulp wackiness here, love the armoured touring car and the sub but the robots just rock.

  5. Great entry Chris. I love the Minerva AC with its varied stowage (and tusks no less!) and the sub is terrific, though probably as much a menace to its crew as to anyone else. :) Mars needs the Robot Queen.

  6. That was a really fun post! While all terrific, my favourite is the Cyclops!

    1. Thanks, he was a last minute addition only started to work on him Monday afternoon, on and off through to about 2 am!

  7. So much cool stuff here! I totally admire your creativity and mad taste in minis. The first model, the armoured car, reminds me of a TV show from my childhood, Bearcats, about two heavily armed Americans running around the desert in a touring car, same vibe. Great entry.

  8. Impressive post! Some real variety there.

  9. What a great post of little bit everything! I guess the armored car is my favorite.

  10. That is a really cool collection of stuff there. I like the two colours on the cyclops and the extra baggage on the armoured car. Very nice touches

    1. Thank you! The sad thing is that there are, maybe, 1/2 dozen different shades of brown in the legs, and 2-3 flesh tones on the upper body, but it all seems to have blurred together ;)

  11. That's a stunning collection. My jaw kept dropping as I scrolled down!

    I find the Challenge really gives impetus to getting stuff painted, including minis which have been in the lead mountain for far too long.

  12. I love the retro style here! Plus I am a sucker for giant brass robots!

  13. Great post. The collection is full of character!

  14. A very eclectic mix. Lovely painting to boot

  15. Great post,love the robots!
    Best Iain

  16. I think I've just found the definition of eclectic 😆 great selection of figures 👍

    Regards KenR

  17. an awesome collection of painted goodies mate! The Roboqueen and her boys must be my favourites great job!

  18. fantastic additions to the collection

