Thursday 24 February 2022

2nd Monthly Minions' Choice for Challenge XII


For our second Monthly Minions' Choice for Challenge XII the nominees are:

MikeP’s Frankenstein 

AlanD's Covenanters 

JohnB’s Home Cast Figures 

DarrellH’s Spanish Sword and Buckler Men

BenF’s 15mm Persian Guard and Commanders

PaulSS Star Wars Adventurers

Jasper’s Armoured Car

Samuli’s Beetroot Zouaves 


The Minion Collective has cast their votes, and the JohnB, with his wonderful 40mm homemade toy soldiers, is the Monthly Minions' Choice. Congratulations John!!

John, I'm delighted to award you with a gift certificate from our friends at Comic Readers Regina. Enjoy and let's see some more of your homecast creations! 

- Curt


  1. Well done. It was tough choices

  2. So many amazing entries to choose from, I don’t envy the Minions at all! Great choice though, congratulations John!

  3. Hard work to choose the nominees and then the overall winner. Congratulations to all!

  4. Well done John, being able to sculpt takes things to an higher level beyond the reach of mere mortals!
    Congratulomatationisms to other nominees as well

  5. Great choice of nominees - enjoyed being reminded how good the painting is ....are we a talented bunch or what!

    Cheers Jez

  6. Another difficult selection, lots of wonderful choices. Congrats

  7. Congratulations John! Amazing brush work and even more incredible that you cast your own minis! :D

  8. Excellent work all round, well done John!

  9. Tough choices indeed. Fine output this year all around.

  10. Excellent stuff- I would have had a hard time picking any one of those.

  11. Wow. Thanks so much you minions, you. I stand in awe of the work of this group. So this is pretty cool. I'm pretty old school... a handy man, so to speak. But, this is really nice. Thank you so much. It even surpases my two year winning streak as family cribbage champ. (No mean accomplishment considering my cutthroat father and ruthless brother...)

  12. Thanks so much for the nomination.
    Well deserved John, your design, sculpt, cast, paint and play is brilliant.
