Saturday 5 February 2022

From Codsticker: MOAR LOTR! (80pts)

After my deviation into the Challenge Quadrant I am back on the unpainted LoTR plastics. This time Mordor Orcs and Warriors of Minas Tirith and like the last LoTR entries, scored second hand (the Warriors of Minas Tirith needing some weapons replaced).

The Mordor Orc set may be my new favourite; great models and without the long spears of the Warriors of Minas Tirith or lances of the Rohirrim somewhat more durable.

I was able to paint these really quickly; not a lot of bells and whistles or decoration and plain shields facilitated this.

The three in the photo below are my favourite from the set; I just love the guy with the partisan-like pole arm and the crow faced helmet. Possibly my second favourite plastic LoTR mini after the Balrog.

The Warriors of Minas Tirith in all their simple, easy, uniform (kinda boring) glory...

Pretty much exactly like the last batch. I did 7 armed with hand weapons and 1 with a bow as I was filling out 8 man units like you would use for War of The Ring. Even though I may never actually use them in that rule set, it is a convenient way of organising them. I will most likely use both the Orcs and the Warriors to fight skirmish battles in Osgiliath, using my Mordheim ruins for terrain.

So, 16 28mm models at 5 points a piece is 80 points I believe.

From Millsy:

More very well painted Lord of the Rings goodness from you Rob! You're building up quite a quite a collection here and obviously have some great terrain to fight over too. That gatehouse is a monster and I'd like to see it in all it's glory.

This lot takes you past 300 points and very close to your initial tally. Nice one!

PS. Not a single label on your post? If Barks finds out it could get ugly! Oh. I said that out loud didn't I? My bad...



  1. Always good to see LOTR stuff particularly when so well painted

  2. These look great, great choice of pallette.

  3. Lovely painting on these LOTR figures, seems to be a theme for this challenge!
    Best Iain

  4. Excellent, love the rumble in the rubble.

  5. Thank you everyone.

    Labels??? Whoops!

  6. Very good these, I love your choice for the colour of orc skin, and both the orcs and the Minas Tirith soldiers look great!

  7. I love the painting and the scenery, I hate that you made Millsy add the labels.

  8. Having just read the LotR books for the first time this past year, I am thoroughly enjoying these posts!

  9. More great LotR minis, well done.

  10. Great work on them! Always nice to see LOTR stuff!

  11. Good looking minis, I like the Mordor Orc set as well. Your action shots are very nice.
