Saturday 5 February 2022

From MikeD - Romans of the Republican Variety (160 pts)

The good news is I've gotten a lot painting done this challenge. The difficulty I'm having is that things sit in the 'To Be Photographed' lane for quite some time. I envy those with enough space to set up a dedicated photo area. I still haven't gotten a system or easy setup to get these together. Also, I recently noticed a correlation between how I feel about pictures of myself and pictures of my painted figures. All I can see is that stray cat hair or part of the face with the big green streak across it. (Not to mention what I see when I look at my minis!) Anyhow...

In all these years as a wargamer, I've never had a Roman army. But as part of my 2022 project to get back into rank-and-file mass battle games (e.g. ADLG), a got a couple of boxes of Victrix Republican Romans and have been working on them for the Challenge. I have to say, these are the first Victrix's I've done and I love them. Great size and variety. I originally bought my first box of these a few years ago, when they had a special offer to include a limited edition (at the time) obscene graffiti shield decal set. I later learned that these are a totally 'speculative' take on legionary living, but I gotta admit they were too fun/cool to pass up.

The scoring on these is:

32 x 28mm foot @ 5pts = 160 pts

From Millsy:

Good to see someone else jumping aboard the Republican Roman wagon Mike! I really like how you have gone about painting yours and the slightly irregular basing and mix of gladii and pila adds an extra bit of dynamism. I've just had another big batch arrive in the post so I will be revisiting mine at some point soon, partly spurred on by yours.

PS. You're a braver man than I am tackling those split shield decals mate, I avoided them like the plague!



  1. Oh my days, the patience you must have to do those decals, great work.

  2. That's an impressive effort, really well done

  3. Nice big bunch of legionarys, they look great!
    Best Iain

  4. Always great to see Classical Ancients, and these are very nicely done.

  5. Great looking Romans. I like the tight ranks.

  6. Romans are always good, they look suitably impressive! Very well done, Mike.

  7. A great bunch of Marius's mules Mike!

  8. Mightily impressive bunch of Romans

  9. Excellent brushwork Mike! Live those sheilds!

  10. They look spectacular! I'd be thinking twice about tackling them on the field.

  11. Those shields are fantastic!

  12. Marvelous - great so see an army coming together like this. Noice shields.

  13. Good looking force, way to to, Mike!
