Friday 4 February 2022

From DaveD - it’s that end of the week time

 How your week been people ? Real life has got in the way a lot this week I must say . So it seems for the Friday crew as so far it looks to be a quiet one . 

Time for my second coffee of the day and we will get the ball rolling 


  1. My daughter bought me some filter coffee for Christmas that allegedly has the highest caffeine content on the market. The packet advises drinkers to have only one cup a day otherwise you'll start to smell colours. I routinely have three cups before breakfast just to raise my consciousness to 'barely sentient' levels. The effects only kick in if I have a fourth cup in the afternoon...I like the colour red. Its delicious.

    1. This sounds amazing, I think I need this coffee

    2. Hey Lee - you know -that might not be coffee!

  2. Ah. I’m on my fourth. Gradually waking up, looking forward to the rolling ball!

  3. Hopefully they are just frantically painting up to the last minute and there will be lots more submissions pouring into the Drafts box! :)

  4. I was working the night shift this week so there won’t be anything from me today. Next Friday should have a few things though.

  5. I see a pattern here, Team Thursday doesn't use labels, Team Friday doesn't post at all and then Team Saturday comes and saves the day (or week)! ;)
    Let's hope there are at least couple of posts today!

    1. As a member of Team Saturday I approve this message! ;-)

  6. I want some of Lee's coffee.
    Friday crew totally killing it today.
