Sunday 20 February 2022

From SimonG: Two Young Magicians Up to No Good! (60 points)

Quite a change of scene from the tragedy of the Jewish revolt my offering for this week is a brace of Black Rose War figures -- Dukas and Bella plus their "familars"

I think we can all recognise the inspiration for Dukas and the story that is being told here -- truly "a really, really bad idea"!

Surely another broom will get the job done sooner!

And we made it to LV426 via Lady Sarah's Star Yacht courtesy of young Bella and her magical cat

These are all Ludus Magnus Studios Black Rose Wars 40mm figures -- although as they are all on the small side (15mm for the cat, 20mm for Dukas and 28mm for Bella and the broom) I'll count them as 28mm on average. They are all plastic castings and pretty nicely detailed. It's a pity the two poses are so similar but the two characters are very distinct.

In particular it's clever how the Disney features have been reinterpreted in Dukas the young devling -- his name is of course a reference to the music featured in Fantasia.

My favourite is probably the cat -- painting a ginger was quite a challenge and I'm pleased with how it came out, and with the books he is sitting on.

With our quick stop on LV426 we get away promptly before the whole place floods and pop next door to Arrakis and back to First Century Judea.

My math suggests 60 points for this week -- 20 for the four 28mm figures and 20 each for the stop on LV426 and the ride with Lady Sarah.


Such wonderfully whimsical figures Simon, and your brushwork has really done them justice. I too really like the cat, but I think Bella is my favourite - her calm, contemplative face is so well rendered and I very much admire the rich blue of her dress. Lovely work. 

- Curt


  1. These are great, now you just need to paint another, what 200 brooms to complete the scene? 😉

    1. Thanks Peter, I’ll pass on that (or wait until I invest in a 3D printer 😺) in the mean time photo trickery will have to do 😀

  2. Lovely, whimsical figures, Simon! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, I’ve looked forward to painting these ones for a while and am glad with how they came out

  3. Wonderful stuff Simon, love the Disney brooms and the cat. But really like the young lad, very Tiffany Aching from Pritchett.

    1. Thanks Peter. I was trying to find out where the inspiration for Bella came from and it may well be Tiffany (I’ve never gotten into Pratchett but maybe I should, plus it seems there’s some pretty neat miniatures available 😃)

    2. Give Wee Free Men a go. It’s the first Tiffany novel and it’s a good fast read.

  4. Lovely looking magical types!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, great to get such nice feedback

  5. Very nice Simon. Nice sculpts and you have painted them well, good job!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Nick - he’s inspired by the cat my wife and I got just after we got married in the UK and then moved with us to Boston and Santa Monica -so a we’ll travelled 🐈

  7. These are lovely Simon, Bella is so nicely painted

    1. That’s great to hear - especially after I had to q-tip her face paint off and completely redo it after it started to get too layered up! Must go back to my thinned out airbrush paints for finishing faces 😉

  8. These are absolutely delightful! Bella is wonderful and I love the adaptation of the broom!

    1. Thanks Natasha - I confused the heck out of my focus stacking program trying to get that multiple exposure 😃

  9. Entertaining stuff. Great work.

  10. Woderfully whimsical figures and well painted. My ginger cat Luigi says that your moggie is spot on. Love the Fantasia homage.
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Thanks Mike. Sebastian our long departed ginger is looking down with delight 🐈

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Greg, it was good fun and a change of pace to work on these

  12. That always scared me as a kid.

    1. Wish fulfilment isn't always what you want!
