Sunday 20 March 2022

From TamsinP: Oscar And The Barbarians (30 points)

The Adventures of Oscar: Time Traveler, Slayer of Squirrels and Very, Very Good Boy

Chapter 13

In which our hero meets a legendary author...

Row-ray! I escaped from those fighting robots! Now, where am I? Seems to be warm, dry and a bit dusty, but there are grassy hills all around. No trees though, so no squirrels for me to slay. I wonder if there is any food here? Let's have a look!

Hang on - I think I can hear someone grunting over there...

Hmmm! He seems to be fighting someone invisible! Hello!

"Huh? My word, a dog - where did you come from my fine friend?"

Row! He seems quite friendly. Maybe he's got some food I can scrounge?

"You look rather hungry - sorry, all I've got is some beef jerky."

Did he say "beef"? I like beef! Row-ray! Oh, yes, this is beef, but very chewy. Should last me for a while.

"Now, what's that you're carrying in your mouth? Hmmm, I do believe I have seen that before. Is that Tamsin's time travel device?"

Tamsin? Did he say Tamsin? Does he know her? He must do! They must be friends! Row-row!

"What's that racket? Something seems to be happening over there."

"Oh, my. Such fine men. So muscular, so sweaty, so virile, so nearly naked...I'm afraid you will have to excuse me, my fine, furry friend - I must return to my bunk!"

What? He seemed excited to see those men. Why is he running away? I wonder if they have food? Better go and say hello!

Hmmm! They seem to be putting something into that tube. And now that man is putting a flame to the back end...


Cripes! That was loud and scary - better scarper!

Phew! Safe! Wait, what's that I hear?

"Oscar! Oscar!"

"Oscar! Oscar!"

It's coming from that way - better investigate!

"Oscar! Oscar!"

"Oscar! Oscar!"

Getting closer - it sounds like someone calling out a name.

"Oscar! Oscar!"

"Oscar! Oscar!"

It is! And they're calling my name! And it sounds like one of them is Daddy-Curt! Row-ray! They've come to rescue me! I hope they have food! Better go and meet them!

Silliness ends for this post!

Barbarian Cannon and Crew

I bought this set to finish off the barbarians I painted back in AHPC X. There aren't any rules (that I know of) for artillery in Dragon Rampant, but it's nice to have the option anyway. Just don't ask where a bunch of Conanesque barbarians got hold of a cannon. Or gunpowder.

the figures are 28mm from Battlezone Miniatures. The boxer was painted way back in AHPC IX.

For Scoring

4 x 28mm foot @ 5 = 20 points

1 x 28mm crew-served weapon@ 10 = 10 points

Total = 30 points


Barbarian artillery?! How wonderfully random! They look excellent, but I do hope they keep their parts away from the hot cannon. I also have to say I'm a bit confused to who Oscar met with the beef jerky, but I'm sure all will be revealed soon. 

- Curt

Well, you must have missed my previous post if you're confused about the author's identity! And forgotten who I met in my previous time travel excursions! *lol*



  1. Barbarian cannon? Love it. Maybe when they run out of cannonballs they can use the skulls of their enemies?

    1. It is rather bonkers, but that's why I had to buy the set! I think skulls might have to be for very close range - they'd probably act like grapeshot! :)

  2. Thank goodness Oscar got a little nosh! Your story is delightful!

    1. He did indeed! Glad you liked the tale! :)

  3. After this episode I felt the need to go back and read all the tales of Oscar as a linked series. Great stuff and the gun with Barbarian crew is awesome too!

    1. Thanks! Writing all the tales has kept me amused! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Completely bonkers, Ray, so I *had* to have them! :)

  5. Great work Tamsin - and totally nuts. Very cool.

  6. Barbarian cannon? Now I've seen everything!

    I think Lion Rampant may have had variant siege engine rules, so they could be ported across.

  7. There has been quite a lot of strange entries in this and previous Challenges, but I really have to say that this cannon with crew of He-Mans is at the very strange end of the scale! :) I mean, it kind of makes sense, but still not - the combination is just so out-of-the-box. :D Brilliant painting, though!
