Monday 26 December 2022

From KyleC: Prison Heist - [SciFi] - (122 pts)

First off.. hope all had a wonderful Christmas day and got many more goodies to add to their collection for this season. 

I was lucky enough to get a Star Wars Legion starter set.. so obviously that's what I worked on recently for assembly.. 

But I had also begun to paint something to get me into the feel of it and work for the SciFi studio also.. 

But first in order to get there one must take a limo. And that limo comes at a cost. 

So here is the fare for the Limo.. a Wizard/Druid Princess Peach. Printed a while back for a customer who never collected.. so figured now was as good of a time to paint it up then! 

But for the SciFi portion we have the Prison Heist crew Vs the Security Droids. 

I didn't realize that the Star Wars models are all 40mm figures.. once these printed off I thought that they were too big.. but seems they are the right fit. And gives one a lot of area to play around with details (and to paint eyes!!).. 

The heist crew were a fun bunch. Especially the Twi'leks. Trying to nail the purple was especially difficult and required a bit of playing around. Pulled out the Scale75 Artist ranges for this here. Seems I didn't have any other purples that weren't dried out aside from them. 

The security droids were also interesting to paint up. Easiest manner would just to cover them in Darkstar Metals and call it a day.. but I would play with them, inks and washes to get a bit more depth on them. 

But now I got a few models to start the Star Wars Universe for myself.. and to build on now! 

So points wise.. 

Limo fare - 20pts
11*40mm figures - 77pts
Sci-Fi Category - 20pts
Total - 117pts

Now to tackle a bit of terrain that Santa dropped off and maybe play a game or two! 


Fabulous work on Princess Peach, the heist crew and security droids, Kyle. I think you nailed the Twi'leks skin tone, and I really like the depth you achieved with the various metallics - time well spent I think. I sympathize with you on your hunt for usable paint after discovering the litany of pots that have dried out (sooo aggravating). 

I look forward to seeing the terrain that Santa gifted you!

- Curt

PS: Remember to give yourself the base points for Sarah's Limo . I've added 5 for Princess Peach.


  1. Great looking wizard.
    Must ask did the robbers get away?

    1. At the moment they are still engaged with the droids... hoping that the shuttle ( yet to be made/printed/painted/designed/thought of? ) is still there when/if they do escape :D

  2. Thanks Curt. And indeed the finding dry paint pots is a pain, more so when the LGS is closed or not going to open for a while yet..

  3. Oh wow, princess Peach steals the show! Wonderful painting there!

    1. Thanks! While painting her, she screamed to me to be Princess Peach.. and the Colors really worked well from there!

  4. Fantastic work on the heist crew!

    1. Thanks mate. I had a lot of fun going into a bit more details on the crew than normal. I do believe cause they were a tad larger than normal models I've painted of late.

  5. Great painting - love the Princess.
    Cheers JezT

  6. Cracking bunch of minis, the various skin tones have come out nicely.

    1. Really spent some time on them all there to get something closer to the concept artwork for the episode. And now Disney+ is confused as to why I have watched that episode 6 times in the last few days 🤣

  7. They are all great, but that princess is a masterpiece. Fabulous!

    1. Wow.. cool! Didn't think she would steal the show but happy for her to have done so!

  8. Wonderful work all round. Love all things Star Wars - and the princess/druid is outstanding

    1. Thanks Pete. Am hoping that the SW can stay at that level while painting it all.. will see soon!

  9. Lovely brushwork! Looking forward to your SWL stuff. I have some of my own on the way too.

    1. Cheers. There are a few playing it locally so am hoping I. An get in on it. But let's see how it goes for painting the basics.

  10. Cracking figures - well done. Your Princess figure is something I can hope to aspire to!

    1. Thanks. Though it was a test piece more than anything so am happily surprised it's so well liked!

  11. Nice figures. Really love the Princess

  12. All great painting work, but particularly the lady in pink

  13. Princess Peach is super! The limo will happily transport her and the gang to the SciFi lo. looking forward to seeing what transpires there :)

  14. Princess Peach is fab,Kyle, she needs a plumber with mustache and blaster for a sidekick tole though! ;)
    The Droid are definitely worth the extra care you gave them as they look splendid. I really like your heist crew though as the skin tones are really good with them. This entry has definitely sold me in that I need to plead with Houshold-6 for a budget expenditure request so I can get my own replicator for making minis!

    1. Cheers David. Peach doesn't need no Plumber though.. I think maybe a Mushroom headed sidekick could work though.. but I think shes gotten herself to a point where she is no longer waiting to be rescued ;)

      As for the rest, appreciate the comments. And you should definitely be looking to get the funds for a replicator.. though beware.. they are like pokemon, and you gotta collect them all ( am at 8 resin + 2 FDM )...
