Monday 26 December 2022

From AdamC: The New Cub Christmas ornament Gift shop (25 points)

You may remember I have a tradition of giving my wife an ornament for Christmas. In 2018 I did the Bad Squiddo Mama Bear with a Cub.

Well we added a new cub this year so painting up another cub seemed in order. 

Really not a lot to describe here it's a brown bear that I made a Santa hat for 

The tricky part was making a hook so it could hang on the tree. My pinning drill and some wire.  

Okay it's a 25mm scale miniature for 5 points and the gift shop adds 20 points.  Most importantly my wife was very pleased with the gift.


Absolutely, one new cub deserves another. A lovely gift to mark the year's celebration, Adam. Great work.

- Curt