Sunday 1 January 2023

From Barks: WesternWorld (Westerns)(30 points)

I have been sitting on these two for a while for a potential limousine/ star yacht/ hot air balloon ride, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit the WesternWorld set. These figures are from Great Escape Games. I don't think the sculpts quite catch the attitudes of their inspirations, but have made me consider getting back into Old West gaming. Both figures were undercoated black, drybrushed white, and then a variety of techniques to add colour.

'Maeve Newton' and 'Dolores Wood'

I used GW Sigvald Burgundy Contrast for Maeve's dress and lipstick, it was a perfect colour match. I like the red in her hair accessory.

'Maeve Newton'

A little something hidden away.

I like the colour palette Dolores has.

'Dolores Wood'

2x 28mm figures (10 points)

Western set (20 points)

Inspiration: Westworld (1973)

Thought I'd step in so that you don't have to wait a week for these to be posted. These are really great paint jobs on some nice figures. I can see why you want to get back into western gaming, it is great fun, we play using DaveD's rules which are great fun and very cinematic.



  1. Love those Barks but I’m keeping a safe distance from them.

  2. Westworld! I loved they film as a child, with a very creepy Yul Brynner… I have the Dolores model myself (painted, no less), love it. The Great Escape Old West models are full of character, you’ve done a fine job with them!

  3. Great work Barks! I like Delores' blue and white as well. I'm a Deadwood man myself, but these ladies would fit in any western setting (making a place for themselves whether you like it or not). Oh, and thanks Martin for getting Barks posted.

    1. Oh, I love Deadwood too. But if I want an excuse to mix in some sci-fi robots and corporate security types...

  4. Nice ladies JB - I wouldn't mess with them!

  5. These are super great. I love a bit of old West gaming, I use Legends of the Old West, a great set of rules.

    1. I used to have that! I wish I still did...

  6. Nice duo, Barks! :)

    Just one minor hitch - "Westerns" has been moved to the blue pass zone.

    1. What?! This is outrageous! I shall be in my trailer until my agent fixes this.

    2. Yeah, someone spotted that there were only 5 blue pass locations originally and Westerns was the easiest to switch. There wasn't a big announcement, so it's not surprising you missed it.

  7. Really nice work on this pair. I barely remember the old movie, but I did enjoy the modern remake.

    1. I did enjoy the first season, the rest have been interesting but not as great. I am sorry they've cancelled the fifth and final season.

  8. These are very characterful, that burgundy Contrast turned out very nicely :)
