Sunday 1 January 2023

From Ray R: Black & White Bonus Round - Rude Grey Alien (25 pts)


I had an emergency trip to Gravesend Model Centre the other day to see if they had some 1mm or 2mm flock for my Almansa project which luckily they did! I saw this chap on the shelf and thought he'd be an easy greyscale figure, as he's a Grey Alien.......


Black & White: Paint something in grey-scale, with black and white being your colours of choice. Reconjure the elegance of the silver screen!

My Rude Grey Alien is from Wargamesculpter Miniatures.

I know greyscale means grey, but I had to put a little colour on the figures as I just gave him a succession of light grey drybrushes. So I gave him green eyes and also painted his cigar!

You can just see the orange tip of the cigar in this pic.
He's not my best work and if I'm being honest, he's not the best figure in the world either, but I quite like him, he will unfortunately be put in the draw of doom, never to see the light of day again. Unless one of you fine readers wants him that is??? Drop me a line?
No I'm not after more Gift Shop bonus points either....

So my Rude Grey Alien will earn me 
5 pts for the figure
and 20 bonus points

Very nice Ray, don't be so dismissive of your work, although in your defence it looks like I've cast it. Happy new year


  1. I laughed out loud when I saw this. :^D

  2. Great 50 shades contribution Ray! There's a modelstore in Gravesend? Dang, I would have liked to go there when visiting Kent two four years ago...

  3. Never thought I would see you painting an Alien Ray. What next, a Space Marine? ;-)

  4. Nice work, the splashes of colour suit the mini.

  5. Emergency trip to the Hobby Shop! Nicely done rude alien
