Friday 24 February 2023

From DavidB: Under Construction part-2 (120 points)

Like all sequels, this is a continuation of last week as I wrangled with the airbrush and fought for room on my hobby desk as my squirrel brain just gets distracted too often from minis at hand to minis in boxes.
Last year I was knee deep in white scars and iron snakes so this epic is a bit more than a trilogy. I had a few white scars left over as I only had them mostly base coated after the last AHPC ended. Since they were only nine, I will only count every third of the following.

The White Scars now have a Capt, another Lt, Blade Guard, outriders, and a company ancient with banner.

I used a very watered down pale blue to set the wings on the relic banner from the white scar armor as he really looked very white after I cleaned up his armor with some corax white and P3 white.

I also went darker khaki on the purity seals and went up to a parchment color to keep the seals from being too close in hue to armor.

Soooo many skulls on these guys. I seen some 30k elite terminators for the white scars that used black on their armor and so all the robes were painted black in reference. This was P3 coal black with a highlight of P3 denim then glazed with Black templar contrast paint. The red leather was flesh tearer contrast paint glazed over a mid brown highlighted with tan previously.

The bases are just asphalt craft paint and astrogranite texture paint weathered with rust and grime then a few clumps of valhalan blizzard scattered to look like melting snow.

The outriders had the valhalan blizzard delicately forcibly rubbed in the tire treads
The shoulder and bike white scar icons are from Pop goes the monkey and installed after the challenge began.
while base coating them last year, I played a little with markings for some reason, I kept them, but may re-coat them white later as I'm not convinced the markings are needed.
This trio was a Christmas gift from my daughter last year, built, customized and now freshly painted...very fresh She is still distressed that I already have an outrider squad as she wanted them to be something I didn't have. I will say these are from the first wave of individual boxed outriders separate from the game. They are the same mono pose kit though. To make them stand out I bought a white scar upgrade sprue and delicately  brutally hacked away their sculpted shoulder pads to fit the white scar ones.

I also used all three white scar heads, but all of them have helmets nearby.

I used a spare sgt helmet for this outrider who has it mag-locked to his bike.

I added some knives also as you can never have enough blades.

They also have snow impacted into the treads and wedged where the tires may through the slush on the bike. I did not spend much time on the bases as I really can't see any of these bikes sitting still( at least until Razor starts smashing them)

The White Scars also got a Gladius tank tooled up to wreak dreadnauts and other armored vehicles.

Over a black primer is six shades of grey and white shot through the airbrush. Unfortunately the camera hides the nice fade on the panels. I did shoot contrast white on the sides and shadow areas which adds to the pure white of the top surfaces.

All red lights were highlighted to yellow to separate them from the red trim.

The icons are also from Pop goes the Monkey.
The White Scars still have a few units left, I hope to get started on them soon, but there are a lot of further units needed so you may be seeing more this year or next.

A stormtalon gunship to counter Razor's storm ravens and their airdrops of terminators and dreadnaughts. I may get another two or three of them.
From a black undercoat I went up to a pale blue focusing the color changes with the airbrush on the upper parts of the model.I did not keep track of the colors used, so that will be fun to figure out on other flyers.

The airbrush did get the NMM effect I wanted for the Iron Snakes, I should've treated all of the Iron Snake models in this fashion, but they were a painting experiment and I like the cold raw brown armor of the infantry models. Although the blue metal is the look I wanted for them, I will only treat the vehicles to this hue.

I free-handed the number and icon last night and really should have used a pencil first as the wing icon is not centered, but I will let it stand for now.

The I really like the look of this craft especially the all business face of the model, very very A-10ish air-support(CAS)!

The pilot and cockpit were fully painted, you can see the more brown armor on the pilot.

I always intended on using green on the glass as it replicates the green used on the Iron Snakes helmet lenses. The canopy is now glued in place, so these photos are the only evidence of the completed interior.

The Terminus Ultra is a Land Raider devised by the Ultramarines when repelling a tyranid invasion of Ultramar. Transport capacity is sacrificed for the batteries required to power eight lascannons. The termius ultra is only available "now" to ultra marines and is only found in the Lords of War detachment as a chapter artifact. Iron Snakes being an Ultra Marine successor should have one, and since mine are all primaris marines which cannot use a land raider for transport, They should have plenty of batteries laying around.

This was painted in tandem with the storm talon and the Icon is also pop goes the monkey but in the form of Iron Snakes storm shields.

One lone tail light, In addition to the other small details, I picked out every light and small detail with brush as this is a chapter artifact an worthy of the additional detail.

This has fought a few times and Razor does not like it to exist too long in the game as it kills stuff dead. I indicated the Iron Snakes lineage with the banner, but it will be updated with kills from Razor's Blood Angel army. (so far 5 baal predators, 26 terminators, and 7 dreadnaughts)

Crotalinae is the Latin name for the pit-viper family of snakes.

soooo many lights.

Iron Snakes are completed( no more in the house)White Scars still have a few to go. I did finally get a score on the airbrush side duel better than 0 but am still behind. I haven't finished the necromunda part of the post, but that may happen later or in another post. for Now I am going to ponder a ride in Lady Sarah's acid green limo into the next zone and maybe see if I can pound out a few more studio films.

Outrider squad 1- 3 marines and 7 skulls for 10 points
Blade guard- 3 marines with 34 skulls for 5 points
Captain- 1 marine with 13 skulls
lieutenant- 1 marine with 12 skulls
company ancient- 1 marine with 12 skulls
Outrider squad 2- 3 marines with 11 skulls for 30 points
Gladius- 7 skulls for 20 points
Storm Talon- 5 skulls for 20 points
Terminus Ultra- 14 skulls for 20 points
Only counting every third model in the the older white scars gives a total of 110 points for the studio with studio points being claimed last week. 115 skulls for this week bring the skull pile to 374 skulls.

Friday Minion: Gosh David, you're back AGAIN? Isn't it about time you took a week off or something? 

Nah just kidding, I'm super glad you're here to pad the stats of the Friday crew, and save me from being embarrassed on their behalf. 

Thanks for the points tally, I'm going to add an extra 5 for the pilot and cockpit in the stormtalon, and another 5 for the conversion work to make the outriders your daughter got you special.

I was always fond of the White Scars, definitely one of the cooler chapters, my brother made some way back when. They're way superior than Dork Angels Ravenwing, who take themselves way too seriously (note to the 40K lore nerds here: my lore knowledge is probably two decades out of date). 

That Terminus Ultra though, now that's evidence of GW totally jumping the shark. I love me a lascannon as much as the next person, but really?! THAT many?! I'd hate to see their electricy bill after charging those up. 


  1. I have to say, I really enjoyed almost all of the infantry models from the box set that we see here - GW designers at their best! But I can't say the same for the vehicles...the new generation of Space Marine vehicles are a sad, stroppy echo of a once cool inheritance...

    That said, good work is good work - well done David! And the Minion is correct - the Dark Angels take themselves WAY too seriously. While the White Scars can be tiresome, at least they took the trouble to actually show up on Terra to, you know, defend it :)

    1. Thank you, Greg! I agree with you on both points. The primaris marines are the best sculpts in the Indominus box and the primaris marine vehicles are not as good as the tracked behemoth predecessors. The new outsider bikes are a very sweet upgrade over the older bikes, but only three in a squadron!? I can only have one more set before needed to buy another detachment!?
      I have seen the new plastic jet bikes though, so you may see 30k white scars at some point! ;)

  2. Great job, I like the bikes and the basing looks very good. That Gladius tank is cool!

    1. Thanks! I really like the new bikes very much, my next set is going to be heavily converted. I like the Gladius tank for the fire power, just wish it had treads instead of tau, eldar, ad-mech hover weirdness! 🙃

  3. Great submission. Love the white Scars paint job.

    1. Thanks, Bruce! Zenthial highlight with contrast Apothacary white and cleanup with 3 white acrylics. P3, corax white, and a pale whitefish blue

  4. I know little about 40k but that stuff looks great, its not easy to paint white, well done David

  5. Nice to see some Iron Snakes. For Ithaka!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I may aquire some classic marines for power spears!

  6. Splendid looking white scars, nice to see them again, all that white! But I really like ithe 40k warthog, it's ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I still have 6 or so units of white scars so they will be popping up every now and then. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of flyers, but the Talon is very cool!

  7. Fabulous looking Marines David, I must get back assembly of my marines!

  8. Thanks! I have so many of them that my main issue is painting them! I do not think I have ever "finished" a marine force till now! 😳

  9. Thank you, Phil! The White Scars are definitely my favorite of the original legions, the Ravenwing only wishes to look as stunning as a whole Legion descending upon Horus's traitors entirely on bike, jetbike, and lands peeler!
    My Terminus Ultra has been unpainted for a long time, the lascannons nearly outnumber the skulls on it which is weird, but it earned it's colors by vaping Razor's Fellblade in one round of shooting. I am sure Razor is going to really target it now!

  10. Oh man, you really gotcrackjng on these! I love the bikers, they really capture the feel of the White Scars

    1. Thanks ,Sander! I admit I am eyeing the chorgis box set with even more bikes. White Scar armies need big groups of bikes!

  11. Wonderful work David and congrats on 'finishing' a SM force for your collection. While all are superb, I think the Ancient with the creepy standard is my personal favourite.

    1. Thank you, Curt! I am sure a few more Iron Snakes will arrive at some point, but "finished" they are for now. The ancient is also one of my favorites, but that is because of Greg's comment of slapping foes with the skeletal hand is too funny! ;)

  12. Congratulations on counting all the skullz!

    1. Thanks, Barks! I had to remove my boots to get that tally!

  13. Amazing White Scars Army! Great Job

    1. Thanks! They are growing slowly, but will be getting all future tanks and fast movers...anything space marine that can speed!
