Friday 17 March 2023

From DavidB: not quite the last White Scars (93 Points)


Just a quick post for the day. I have a lunch date with my wife as with our busy schedules she wanted to spend time with with me for St Patrick's day for her IRISH-German heritage....I will be spending the weekend at the brushes, but wanted to make sure I was able to give Phil something to do for Friday. I just finished this lot and the white paint and snow effects are still very wet!
Like the Iron Snakes, the White Scars are "complete" as I have no more marine models in the house save for those painted or already dedicated to another project. I am sure that I will have some new models bought at Adepticon next week though. The White Scars need some more bikes, vehicles, and assault infantry. I also fully intend to check out 30k as the plastic scimitar jetbikes have convinced me that some Loyalist forces need to debunk Greg's dubious propaganda! :)

First up are a trio of Eliminators armed with las fusils. Las fusils are a las cannon turned sniper rifle for an AP-3 and 3 wounds a hit.....meaning I'm going to fluff every die roll to hit with them! Despite my horrible dice rolls, they turned out better than I imagined.

I decided on winter urban battleground  for the White Scars just because of these three as I was picturing them in urban camouflage crouching in snowy ruins.

The cloaks were painted in blue grey then shaded and highlighted. I used olive drab, gray, and black squares and highlighted and shaded those before dry brushing a pale grey over everything then shading with agrax earthshade. This toned down the blatant squares and rectangles and muted everything into a greenish gray brown fabric. 

With all the White Scars painted, Kor'Sarro Khan had to be painted to lead them while the Eliminators keep the enemy pinned down. He did have a crux terminus on his chest but it fell away someplace in the mountain of neglect. I found a revier medallion and glued that in place so the cords on his chest didn't seem to defy gravity anymore.

I deviated from the official paint scheme a touch, but I like my scheme better than the official one anyway.

A tactical rock with Chorgis art accompanies him and his cyber companion.

I gave the Khan a trio of Aggressors with flame weapons as a body guard. 

They seemed a good choice to add to the close combat carnage the khan can generate.

With all the hand to hand mayhem inbound, 10 intersessors equipped with chainswords and heavy boltpistols to capitalize on the khan getting stuck in.

The sgt has a plasma pistol and thunder hammer while I made another white scar with some white scar upgrade parts to act as a leader if I decide to split them into two five man squads. 

Probably my favorite primaris marine kit as they are loaded with knives and pouches. 

I also like the capability to add an aggressive grenade throwing marine as well as having one reloading on the fly. The reloading marine has a magazine in his support hand while the pistol is just ejecting a spent magazine. Both have their chainswords slung to their belts. and as all models can have holsters, the grenadier has a holstered pistol with pistol grip visible.

So the "last" of the White Scars for now until I get more.

Eliminators- 3 models for 15 points and 16 skulls
Kor'Sarro Khan for 5 points and 5 skulls
Aggressors- 3 models for 15 points and 13 skulls
Intersessors- 10 models for 50 points and 16 skulls

A total of 85 points and 50 skulls for a new skull tally of 650

I still have some more on the desk, but I have a date to head out for and may not get them up in time. A big thanks to Phil for herding the friday cats! 

Friday Minion: Hey David, great to see one last Friday entry even if it's a little one: you've been the most regular of the Friday crew, and great about dropping me a line to let me know you're working up a few dozen units for me to post up. Great to see the last of the White Scars finished up, awesome work on the Khan and his bodyguards and various other infantry. 

I'll score those chonky Aggressors and the Khan as 40mm figures, giving you 93 here. 

Its been great to have you with us. One more entry over the weekend perhaps? 

And have an awesome time at Adepticon and bring back plenty of White Scars for next Challenge!


  1. Getting an army "ready" is an excuse for some to buy more. Some don't need that excuse... :) Anyway it is a good feeling to have something completed, very nice White Scars. Have fun at Adepticon!

    1. Thanks, Teemu! They are now ready for battle, but there are quite a few units I need to add to make them more White Scar. They will be added to!

  2. Excellent work, Dave! I like leader with his bird. The colour palette works really well.

    1. Thanks! The official paint scheme is red insignia and chest eagles, but I think the gold adds to them better.

  3. Great stuff David. Enjoy the lunch date

    1. Thanks, Peter! We had a very good lunch date sans kids and I was treated to the newer movie the duelist with Adam Driver. Not that bad of film l, but a different vibe from the original film.

  4. Splendid looking white space marines,a constant in every challenge it seems!
    Best Iain

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, Iain! Yeah, you will be seeing more white scars, I'm hunting down those scimitar jet bikes now!
