Friday 17 March 2023

From JohnE: 28mm Napoleonic Gothic Horror [Fantasy] (110 Points)

Well, here it is - the final post of this year, and I think I fell 5 points short of my goal. Not surprising, it's more stuff for The Silver Bayonet. There's a troll here in the mix so asking for Fantasy bonus points.

Cheers everyone!

Up first, a troll from Reaper. I have no idea how that lower mandible is supposed to function.





Next, the Bandits and Army Deserters packs from North Star. These were fun to paint. Lots of character here.










Calling back to the beginning of The Challenge, here's the rest of my wolf pack. Most of these are from Bad Squiddo.




And finally, a pair of vampires from North Star. Love the hair.





As they say in the Challenge Studios, "that's a wrap!" Thanks to all for the lovely comments along the way, and I wish you all the best in 2023 and beyond.

Points Summary

17x 28mm foot @ 5 points = 85 points

Fantasy (Blue Pass) bonus = 20 points

Total = 105 points

Friday Minion troll bonus +5

Grand Total = 110 Points!

Friday Minion: Well that troll's a big fella, 5 points seems a bit stingy to me, if we score him at a more generous 10, that means you just squeak up to your finish line. Congrats John!

Great stuff once again, that pack of wolves looks scary, and the characterful bandits and deserters for Silver Bayonet came out brilliantly, even if the posies are a bit unimaginative.

Great to have you with us in AHPC Studios once again John, see you next year!


  1. Terrific painting. Love the troll

  2. Great additions to your Silver Bayonet collection, very nice!

  3. Well Done!
    Your paint jobs imbues these minis with an 'alive in their world' feel.

  4. Those bandits and deserters are great! I love the suspenders!

  5. Lovely additions to your Silver Bayonet game. This reminds me I must get started on mine!

  6. Dry nice collection. I need to get those wolves

  7. Great looking troll, love the vampires and wolves!
    Best Iain

  8. Very nice work, John! Fine brushwork on the silver bayonet baddies! I quite like vampires they are very time distinctive and I like the colors you chose for them.
