Saturday 25 March 2023

From GeoffreyT: Challenge Wrap Up

Hello Challengers,

What a lot of fun this has been.   AND I painted a grand pile of miniatures, many more than I expected to.  Such is the excellence of this event that it drags the inner hobbyist out to play.

The biggest surprise for me was how many miniatures I made myself, and how much I enjoyed sculpting.  This is most of them (minus one gift troll).

There was so many I could not fit myself in the same image, so here I am.

Thanks to Curt and Sarah for organising, for Sidney for making the excellent studio theme, for Teemu and the other minions for maintaining the enthusiasm and to all the participants and commenters for the encouragement.

Did I achieve the goal of empty the cupboard of unpainted miniatures?  No, but I got pretty close; indeed close enough that I'll need to collect some up for next years challenge as there is not much left.  

See you all next year.

Kind Regards



  1. Great challenge Geoffrey. I loved your sculpts.

  2. Well,done - that’s a good pile

  3. It's amazing to see how many figures you actually sculpted, and I was very pleased to have the opportunity to "minion" one of your posts with them. Great stuff - see you next time! :)

  4. I'm delighted you had a good Challenge, Geoff. I LOVED your home sculpts - so creative and fun. I hope you can join us for our next time out.

  5. An inspiration to us all Geoff to get out the clay and start sculpting too. Great work

  6. Nice job Geoff, you'll never empty the unpainted cupboard if you keep up the sculpting like this! :D

  7. Great home sculpts, very well done

  8. I really admired your sculpts, Geoff! So much creativity and originality, it’s amazing. Well done, and I do hope to see you next winter!

  9. It's been a very interesting project, I have followed with cursiosity. Great sculpting and fabulous output

  10. Excellent work Geoffrey! Those homesculpts are just great and characterful, and well painted like the rest of the minis. It was nice to minion your Challenge, getting the first look of many of the minis.

  11. Great work Geoff, better start filling up that cupboard for the next Challenge!

  12. Geoffrey that's a brilliant collection for this year's Challenge!

  13. Thank you all, see you again next year. I better sculpt a few things and squirrel them away for the challenge.

  14. Nice work with the sculpting and painting, Geoffrey! I really enjoyed those classic old skool D&D monsters!

  15. I love your characterful sculpts!

  16. Excellent stuff, love the home sculpts.
