Friday 29 December 2023

From ByronM - New Acquisitions: Turnip28 Snobs (30 Points)

Last year, just before the challenge began, Curt introduced me to the insanity that is Turnip28. I got so excited about it that I painted up a unit last year just to give it a go.  However it was so late into my planning that I could only commit to a single unit last year.  That changes this year though, as I aim to complete a whole force for T28.

In fact, once committed I got to printing everything up to get ready for the challenge in October/November.  That is where these two dashing gentlemen come from, fresh off the printer and ready for paint are my 2 toadies/snobs for my force.

One has a very napoleonic feel to him while the other is more of a preacher kind of vibe to me.

I will be using the napoleonic one as the snob taking care of my forthcoming artillery, as his crooked scope should work nicely to counteract the crooked cannon barrel (that's how science works, right???).

The preacher will be in charge of the existing Radish worshiping Fodder that I painted last year, hence his red cloak.  It also looks a little fitting as I started him on Christmas, so has a little bit of a Saint Nic vibe going.

Being newly printed (acquired) miniatures I am going to count these for the new acquisition section of the library for 20 bonus points, and add that to the 5 points each for these 28mm figures.  Once again though, at the beginning of the challenge I have forgotten how to take decent pictures (yet again!!) so please excuse how bad these are, I will get it all sorted out of the next few posts.

Ahh, such Rooty Goodness - The Great Tuber will be very pleased. 

Wonderful work Byron! I admire the buzzard on the shoulder of the red-robed fellow, but I'm partcularly taken by the chap sporting the big bicorne, epic epaulettes and the slightly timid telescope (I'm sure there's a root-based remedy for that...). An most excellent pair. I look forward to the upcoming Fodder!

- Curt


  1. Great work Byron, lovely grungy colours as suits the milieu and what's not to like with a buzzard!

  2. Love these. I too got the bug earlier this year and now have a muddy rooty army

  3. Excellent rootbased madness. I'm also in the process of getting a Turnip shaped army together. It's great to have some inspiration!

  4. Lovely work on these. I like the brewer’s droop on the spyglass. While I like the whimsy on these figures, I’m not really there on Turnip28.

    1. Ah, and I was just wondering what we'll be playing next. :)

  5. Very interesting figures and great painting. I love the look of Turnip28 forces but can't quite pull the trigger on collecting a force.

  6. Oh god, Turnips have sprouted in the Challenge 😆 great stuff Byron

  7. Lol, they are great looking veggies


  8. T28 minis are always a pleasure to see. Nice work.

  9. There might be just two figures there but wow, they look stunning, great painting and colours, I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  10. Great weeds Byron. Excellent painting.

  11. Neat looking figures, Byron. Good work!
