Friday 29 December 2023

From PaulSS - New Acquisitions - M16 MGMC and M20 Scouts - 44pts


Last years challenge I painted up both US and German forces for O Group. I'm ashamed to say that since those forces were done, they have played exactly one game and I've not done anything else with them, so I'm I could claim the "Overdue and Returns" bonus here. However, I decided that Challenge XIV would see me revisiting this project so I placed an order on Pendraken last month, hence 'New Acquisitions', and you'll (hopefully) be seeing more troops added to the forces over the coming weeks.

First up is a pair of M16 MGMC to provide close air defence for the Americans. This is a lovely crisp model and a really easy paint job.

One of the stowage packs allowed for quite a bit of variety in the vehicles, I do think they would have been better with some crew sculpted in them.

The other pair of vehicles are M20 Scout/Utilities, these seem to be older castings and the detail a bit more "soft" on these, but they came out ok after a lick of paint.

Four12mm vehicles at 6pts each plus the location bonus should net me 44 more points towards my total and break me into double figures.


Great work on these little Yanks, Paul! In looking at these vehicles, it illustrates the American tendency to just plop on a .50 cal on anything that rolled. Incredible.

- Curt


  1. Nice little AFVs Paul, looking forward to more O group stuff. I tend to lose attention on any vehicle identified by M plus a number, but these look like they could rip up some serious bocage.

    1. Thanks Peter, I envisage a lot of bocage being shredded

  2. Once again you've done a cracking job on these WW2 vehicles 👍

  3. Superb looking light armour, Paul. Well done.

  4. Nice job with the olive drab, well done Paul!

  5. Great paint job on these vehicles

  6. Really nice looking unit, colours really pop.

  7. Nice work Paul. The bases really pop the AFVs.

    1. Thanks Bruce, I'm in the vehicle basing crowd at this scale.
