Friday 29 December 2023

From SimonG: Premier Post of Praetors (50 points, Legions duel)

It's wonderful to be back again and finally have my first submission ready. I have at least managed to prepare this time around and have dozens of Chinese restaurant plastic trays full of assembled and undercoated miniatures ready to go including a brand new project and context.

First up however is a continuation and extension of my Jewish Wars project -- after doing a series of skirmish figures I discovered that there is a set of army lists for Impetus for this conflict so I'm starting on an Impetus based set of armies for the first Jewish Revolt. In addition to exploring this period I will also have a early imperial Roman army that can be put up against all manner of other opponents.

The first submission of this project is a trio of Roman leader figures. They are all Victrix plastics assembled straight up -- nice characterful figures, maybe the horses are a bit too chunky but they look cute!

I've also finally (after four years) discovered how to expand depth of field in macro photography (long exposures on a timer, duh!) so have been able to do away with the time and complexity of focus stacking.

One thing I really like is painting horses -- every one is a chance to explore a new coat and combination of markings and I'm particularly pleased with these two, and the spots on the gray really make it come to life (although it does look as if it belongs on a carousel!)

My thanks as always to Curt and the minions and the theme of library is really positive -- donation was made to Multnomah County libraries in Portland, OR where we used to live and my wife was a volunteer -- unfortunately the libraries here in the UK are in a dire state. It also strikes me that what we are doing with our painting and gaming is telling stories as well -- each miniature encapsulates its own tale and I really like thinking about what the character might have been up to to end up looking this way -- looking forward to sharing more stories with you all.

Points wise it's three 28mm mounted figures plus a 20 point Historic AHPC Library bonus for 50 in total plus my first contribution to the Legions and their auxilia duel.


Welcome back and wonderful work, Simon! 

This trio of mounted Romans look fabulous. I love how you picked out the details of their armour, barding and musculature - really excellent work and fine additions to your marvellous Jewish Revolt project. Also, thank you for donating to the libraries in Multnomah County. That's wonderful to hear and I'm sure much appreciated by them.

Oh, and if you haven't already, remember to notify Paul to your points for the Legion duel. You can use the link on the right sidebar to let him know.

- Curt


  1. Those are great Simon. Looking forward to more from this project.

    1. Thanks Peter -- serried ranks of Romans and hordes of zealots await!

  2. Those are really nice Simon and great photography

    1. Thanks Kerry -- nice to be able to bring out some of my scatter terrain as backdrop

  3. Great work on these, especially the horses. I’m a little jealous of your preparedness!

    1. Thanks Pete -- I'm actually rather astonished to be so well prepared (although I could have done a better job of gettigng rid of mould lines etc)

  4. I always liked painting Roman forces though I can't say I have ever looked forward to painting horses. Yours look great.

    1. Thanks Tom -- Im always building up my stock of brown base paints to give me more coat colour variety!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Steve -- now just need to keep up the progress

  6. Is one of them supposed to be Vespasian? I’ve always had some admiration for that one.

    Good painting, but also some great photography.

    1. I imagine the older balding guy would be Titus Flavius Vespasian and the one with the cloak would be his son Titus? Anyway really glad you liked them and thanks for the kind feedback.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Paul -- fiddling around with horses at 15mm now, hmmm!

  9. Lovely Roman Commanders, spot on 👍

  10. Brilliant command group - Cheers Jez

    1. Thanks Jez. Now I just need some legions for them to command!

  11. Cracking work on these commanders, and on the photography.

    1. Thanks Stuart, and I’m glad the photography process is a lot quicker now I know what I’m doing 😀

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Matt. It’s good to be back again and hearing from everyone

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks -- great to have everyone's positive feedback on my work

  14. I like these very much, looking forward to seeing more!

    1. Thanks Tom. I’ll try to crack on, I’m not the fastest painter here I’m afraid!

  15. Who doesn't love a few good Romans, nice work Tom I to look forward to you next post

  16. Great work Simon. Love the paint and basing.

    1. Thanks Bruce. Basing always seems like such a pain
