Wednesday 27 December 2023

From Rhunt - Marines, Elves and a Steward - Overdues and Returns and Fantasy (85 points)

My name is Rhys and I'm 19 and special needs. This year I really got into painting, I love it so much. I'm super excited to be part of the Challenge this year.

My first entry is three Space Marine snipers from Games Workshop. My dad tells me these count as 28mm even though they are bigger than they used to be.

Space Marine snipers.

The rear, showing the camo - ghillie suit.

These are big models and easy to paint.

I love the tufts but the glues gets everywhere when I'm putting on the flock.

The next mini is just a standard space Marine. I have more of these that I'll work on later. I did not enjoy painting this one as much as I did the snipers.

Next up is Denethor. My dad and I play a lot of Lord of the Rings (MESBG) together. We also play at the local game store. I love Gondor and I didn't have this model. This is the metal model, which is very hard to find. My dad's friend Tim gave me this as a birthday present.

Denethor, Steward of Gondor

My dad is really jealous that I got this old, classic model. I'll use this for the Overdue and Returns desk since it is a really old model.

I really liked painting this model because of his cape. All of the folds are really nice to paint in metal.

My next entry is four of the new Games Workshop elves (or whatever they're called now - I'm too old to play name games with IP - Dad). I got these for Christmas last year but dad just put them together for this Challenge.

I liked painting these because they can go in a bunch of different armies. I also really like the back flags on the sword elves.

I'll be using these four elves to hit the Fantasy desk, which gives me two desks in the first room.

I have eight more spear elves. I don't like painting these very much, especially the long spears.

That gives me two locations in the first room. Now I can move on if I want to.

9 x 28mm foot @ 5 points = 45 points
Overdues and Returns = 20 points
Fantasy = 20 points
Total = 85 points


First, Rhys, welcome to the Challenge! 

This is a solid first entry to the Library. The Space Marine sniper trio is great, especially the groundwork and the use of foliage to provide better camo. The white bolt rifles is a bold choice, but I like it. In the future you may want to try a wash of dark grey or perhaps thinned-down black to give the weapons a bit more sense of texture and definition. 

I hear you on GW's creation of silly names to 'protect' their intellectual property. These elves look great (I particularly like ones with the yellow cloaks). For the spear shafts try GW's Snakebite Leather Contrast Paint. It works terrific with one coat, especially over a white or light grey primer.

85 points for your debut on the scoreboard which is a great start to you 500 point goal. Well done!

- Curt



  1. Well done Rhys that's a great effort, its good that you and your dad have a shared hobby and can play games together - well done

  2. Welcome to Challenge, Rhys! I agree with Curt, some contrast paint or similar does wonders - you could try them on those bolters, too. And lots of Lotr models love Contrast paints, they have so much organic texture. Looking forward to see what you paint next, new faces have new ideas. :)

  3. It is great to have you join the Challenge with these awesome figures Rhys! I specially like your space marines and your use of scenics qs camouflage, that's inspiring!

  4. Welcome Rhys, awesome to have you on board 😀

  5. Great submission Rhys. Well done.

  6. Welcome aboard Rhys! Great start.

  7. Great start, welcome Rhys! I too love tufts, they really finish off a model.

  8. The camo on the snipers is very cool. You've made a great start to the challenge.

  9. Fantastic stuff, the camo effects work really well and I agree that they’re much more fun than the normal marine!

  10. Great stuff Rhys, they’re all fun figures but I really like your elves!
