Saturday 27 January 2024

From PaulSS: Gift Shop - Knights of St. Lazarus for chum Drew (110pts)

Victoria and I had lunch with friends on Saturday. Drew was stressing that he would never get his Knights of St. Lazarus painted up in time for the Saga event he is attending in February. I suggested that he get his arse around ours on Sunday and we would have a painting session. 

On Sunday Drew arrived, we drank a couple of beers and in two or three hours I had almost completed six Footsore Barons War knights. They were close to completion so I held on to them to get the painting done over the next couple of days and we would reconvene on Tuesday for another session. 

By Tuesday when Drew arrived for our second session, the knights just needed Drew to stick a shield on that has fallen off and give them a dull coat. 

Drew and I then spent a couple more hours painting on Tuesday evening when I did these six crossbowmen, I think these are Gripping Beast miniatures. Drew has taken these and going to finish the bases and varnish them.

During our sessions Drew also worked on six other knights and six crossbowmen, so now only has to paint his general and a unit of mounted sergeants, maybe we will set up another session.

Six 28mm mounted and six 28mm foot with a location bonus should add a tidy, but unplanned for 110pts to my total.

Apologies for the shonky photos, Drew needed to leave and I did not have time to set up my studio area.

Very nice production here Paul! I'd never heard of the Order of Saint Lazarus so your post sent me to Google where I learned a bit about them. The white livery and green crosses are very cool. Good work on the crossbowmen too and I hope Drew has good fortune with them! 110 points added to your tally.



  1. Thank you @Dallas I was also unaware of them before last Saturdays pint with Drew.

  2. Helping a friend finish a force can be fun especially if you can paint together. Wish I was able to do it more often myself. Nice work on his Saga force.

  3. Great post, great figures and love the backstory. The green and white livery is very effective, plus I got to learn about a new to me military order.

    1. Thank you Peter, it was new to me too until last Sunday.

  4. Good looking models but even better since you were painting with a friend and helping him get ready to game with a painted army.

  5. Great looking at for a Saga force!

  6. Sitting painting with a mate and drinking beer probably beats a zoom painting session!

  7. Terrific work on these knights Paul, and a wonderful way to hang out with a friend.

  8. Great knights and extra points for the assist Paul. Good time painting with a buddy and a pint is a good way to pass the time.

  9. Great post the knights look really good
