Saturday 27 January 2024

From PaulSS: Romance - Fantastic Mr Fox and Felicity - 24pts


For the Romance theme I've searched the pile o' shame and turned up this lovely pair of foxes by Warbases

The Fantastic Mr Fox has caught a coney and will be sharing a romantic dogs dinner with Felicity. It's a lovely change from the chickens of Farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean.

Fantastic Mr Fox

Fantastic Mr Fox

Felicity Fox

Felicity Fox

The are rather small models - for an idea of size these are 25mm bases - so likely worth a couple of points each, so with the location bonus worth 24pts.

"And so far as I know, they are still waiting"

Lovely little creatures you've painted here Paul and I have to say I'm not unfamiliar with the vulpine species. Just t'other night I was driving back home from the ODR along Churchill Drive and saw two large foxes ambling across the road. Perhaps it was Mr Fox and Felicity Fox? Hard to say but one thing I do know for sure, this is 24 points for your tally.



  1. At least it's one less coney eating from the Farmer's vegetable plot. Nice coloring on the fox coats.

  2. I have painted the same foxes some years ago. Warbases has some really nice animals. And we have a regular fox doing his/her business on our yard. :) Nice colours, good job.

  3. Nice work on these Paul. I have hose foxes somewhere in my mostly done pile.

    1. Thanks Peter, hopefully we shall see them one day.

  4. Excellent furry lupine creatures Paul. We have few foxes and loads of a close cousin coyotes. Fun post.

    1. Thank you Bruce, now living in the US, I cannot always tell teh difference now.

  5. brilliant, love the story, great painting.
