Saturday 27 January 2024

From KyleC - Khorne Continues (Overdue&Returns) - (86 pts)


So the armies of the northern wastes continue across my desk this week. Still struggling with the cold and a cold, but some downtime has given me a chance to put some effort into painting.. and here are the results!

First up a unit of Ogroid Theridons from Warriors of Chaos (WoC) in Age of Sigmar (AoS).. that have been repurposed to be Chaos Ogres for my WoC army for The Old World (ToW) instead. Hefty beasts of burden with massive axes to chop through any and all that get in their way... at least that is what I hope they will do.. 

Absolutely PITA to get to rank up though. Really not meant for ToW, or for ranking up but with some finagling they lined up int he end.. But I wouldn't bet on getting a second rank in on them anytime soon!

Now for the overdue portion of the post... the unit I am calling The Forsaken.. so aptly named as I have no clue where I received or picked these up from, but looking online they hail from the times of Realm of Chaos and 1st/2nd edition of Warhammer. Pure metal, and after a few coats of gloss varnish before a black primer, I had a good base to make some angry little warriors. 

I have plans for regular warriors for the army, so instead for these they will be used for the actual unit called The Forsaken.. mutants of the army and just a mess to manage... much like this unit was.. 

But ranked up they look the business and they were relaxing to paint once I got the initial color scheme nailed down. They might have too much red as a grouping or on each model, but they are literally just full armor warriors.. with only the odd one with boots of gloves.. 

Slapping them all together now we can see the army growing nicely ( and also show how large the Lord on his Monstrous mount ( 50x75 base there ). Is this the greatest list to be using for gaming... no.. not even close.. but is it thematic so far, and coming together chaotically?? Very much so and so fits nicely to how I wish this to be!

Last up I have is the test of the actual chaff unit for the army.. the Musician for the Marauder unit. Which I have taken as being the reavers from the Blades of Khorne forces in AoS. An army that I have wanted to do and have build up, but never got painted. So re-purposing them for this army feels right. Static grass to be applied when he sits with the unit as a whole so I can see how and where the tufts will look best. 

Really enjoyed painting the skintones on this guy.. spent a fair bit of time on it with having to go back into the shadows a bit harder as it was originally very washed out. But the grey undertones really helped the model. 

Unit as a whole will be a bit darker than the other units. As they haven't fully proved their worth or merit to the almighty Khorne lords, and thus are only allowed portions of red armor compared to those that have bathed in the enemies blood for so long! Or something to that effect.. 

3rd topic now completed in the Library.. though not focusing on it so much this year, figured that this fit the criteria so would be a shame not to include Curt and company's hard work on the Library Challenge into the post!

Points wise, we have:
    - 3 x 40mm Ogres - 21 pts
    - 8 x 28mm Warriors - 40 pts
    - 1 x 28mm Marauder - 5 pts
    - Overdue and Returns Topic Bonus - 20 pts
Giving us 86 pts for today's post. 

With a focus on getting more of the Marauders finished over the coming week.. though crazy week for work incoming so not sure how many will actually get completed there!

Whoa now those guys look... pretty scary Kyle, nice work on those minions of the Blood God. My favourites of course are the old-school metal Chaos Warriors, to my mind they've never been beat in terms of cool sculpts. I have a ton of them in my old WHFB Chaos Warriors army and they are just - COOL. 86 points added to your tally!



  1. Great looking Khorne models. Keep em coming.

  2. Really nice, quite inspirational for the return of the old world

  3. Very nice. The flesh blends on the Ogres and skin tone on the Marauder are perfect.

  4. Nice skin tones, and I love that red!

  5. Looking very good, Kyle. But a question, you varnish the models before primer, what is the trick here?

    1. The trick here was only on the metal models. And was due to the layers of paint on them already that didn't fully come off. So sealed then in with the varnish before primer. Also gives a smoother finish on areas. Was my first time trying it and it seemed to help so far..

  6. Fabulous looking old world army Kyle. Fun to see.

  7. Love the skin in that Marauder- fantastic!

  8. some real skill on display here Lee love the colors you've used.

  9. Lovely brushwork Kyle! That Khorne champion on his Bloodcrusher is brilliant. (Who came up with these names?!)
